为什么 X 服务器配置文件从 /etc/Xorg 移至 /usr/share/Xorg?

为什么 X 服务器配置文件从 /etc/Xorg 移至 /usr/share/Xorg?

过去(从 XFree86 天开始,也许更早)X 服务器配置文件可以在/etc;下找到。即在/etc/Xorg.然而,最近的发行版(至少是最近的 Arch 和 Debian)将其置于/usr/share/X11.这是为什么?主机级配置不属于 吗/etc


man 5 xorg.conf,在描述了很多位置之后/etc

   Finally, configuration files will also be searched for in  a  directory
   reserved  for system use.  This is to separate configuration files from
   the vendor or 3rd party packages from those  of  local  administration.
   These files are found in the following directory:


