是否可以通过 gedit 本身或其插件记住在 gedit 会话中打开了哪些文件,就像 Firefox 的会话管理器所做的那样?
这样,下次重新启动 gedit 时,我可以重新打开并继续处理上次会话中打开的文件。
还有一个 Session Saver 插件来保存和恢复工作会话。
gedit-恢复-标签是一款不错的插件,专为 G-Edit 3.12 编写,但可以在更高版本中使用。我以前用过它,但不记得在哪里找到的。我再次找到了它,方法是访问gnome.org wiki 上的此页面并搜索那里链接的列表。
只需在 Gedit 菜单上点击“文件”即可。下拉菜单中将显示之前使用过的文件编号 1、2、3...
虽然有点晚了,但我写了一个 Python 程序,可以在重启时重新打开所有应用程序。这包括gedit
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
sudo apt install xdotool
from __future__ import print_function # Must be first import
import os
import time
OTHERS_TIME = 3 # Firefox, etc. to load up
SERVER_TIME = 1.5 # gnome-terminal-server time
BASHRC_TIME = 1.5 # Seconds to load ~/.bashrc
WINDOW_TIME = .5 # Seconds fpr window to appear
def launch_command(ext_name):
''' Launch external command in background and return PID to parent.
Use for programs requiring more than .2 seconds to run.
all_pids = get_pids(ext_name) # Snapshot current PID list
all_wins = get_wins(all_pids) # Snapshot of windows open
new_pids = all_pids
new_wins = all_wins
sleep_count = 0 # Counter to prevent infinite loops
os.popen(ext_name) # Run command in background
while new_pids == all_pids: # Loop until new PID is assigned
new_pids = get_pids(ext_name) # Snapshot current PID list
if sleep_count > 0: # Don't sleep first time through loop
time.sleep(.005) # sleep 5 milliseconds
sleep_count += 1
if sleep_count == 1000: # 10 second time-out
print('launch_ext_command() ERROR: max sleep count reached')
print('External command name:',ext_name)
return 0, 0
pid_list = list(set(new_pids) - set(all_pids))
if not len(pid_list) == 1:
print('launch_command() ERROR: A new PID could not be found')
return 0, 0
time.sleep(WINDOW_TIME) # Give time for window to appear
new_wins = get_wins(all_pids) # Snapshot of windows open
win_list = list(set(new_wins) - set(all_wins))
if not len(win_list) == 1:
#print('launch_command() ERROR: New Window ID could not be found')
#suppress error message because we aren't using window ID at all
return int(pid_list[0]), 0
# Return PID of program we just launched in background
return int(pid_list[0]), int(win_list[0])
def get_pids(ext_name):
''' Return list of PIDs for program name and arguments
Whitespace output is compressed to single space
all_lines = []
# Just grep up to first space in command line. It was failing on !
prog_name = ext_name.split(' ',1)[0]
all_lines = os.popen("ps aux | grep -v grep | grep " + \
"'" + prog_name + "'").read().strip().splitlines
PID = []
for l in all_lines():
l = ' '.join(l.split()) # Compress whitespace into single space
PID.append(int(l.split(' ', 2)[1]))
return PID
def get_wins(all_pids):
''' Return list of all windows open under PID list
Currently unnecessary because we work on active window '''
windows = []
for pid in all_pids:
all_lines = os.popen('xdotool search --pid ' + str(pid)). \
for l in all_lines():
return windows
def gedit():
last_modified_files = gedit_recent_files()
command = 'gedit '
for f in last_modified_files:
# Add each file name to parameter list passed to `gedit`
command += '"' + f + '" '
# Open gedit with last five modfied files. '&' = run in background
command=command+' &'
active_pid, active_win = launch_command(command)
if active_pid == 0:
print("ERROR launching", command, \
"Aborting 'alienstart' script")
def gedit_recent_files():
''' Get list of gedit 5 most recent files:
grep --no-group-separator -B5 'group>gedit' ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel | sed -n 1~6p | sed 's# <bookmark href="file:///#/#g' | sed 's/"//g'
/home/rick/python/mmm added=2020-05-02T15:34:55Z modified=2020-11-19T00:43:45Z visited=2020-05-02T15:34:56Z>
/home/rick/python/mserve added=2020-07-26T16:36:09Z modified=2020-11-28T01:57:19Z visited=2020-07-26T16:36:09Z>
command = "grep --no-group-separator -B5 'group>gedit' " + \
"~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel | " + \
"sed -n 1~6p | sed 's# <bookmark href=" + '"' + \
"file:///#/#g' | " + "sed 's/" + '"' + "//g'"
recent_files = []
times = []
all_lines = os.popen(command).read().strip().splitlines
uniquifier = 1 # gedit can give all open files same time
for l in all_lines():
fname = l.split(' added=', 1)[0]
trailing = l.split(' added=', 1)[1]
modified = trailing.split(' modified=', 1)[1]
modified = modified.split('Z', 1)[0]
# TODO: 2038
d = time.strptime(modified, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
epoch = time.mktime(d)
epoch = int(epoch)
# gedit has given multiple files the same modification time
epoch += uniquifier
uniquifier += 1
pass # Not a duplicate time
top_files = []
if N > len(times):
# Less than 5 most recent files in list
N = len(times)
if N == 0:
# No most recent files in list
return top_files # return empty list
# Store list in tmp to retrieve index
# Sort list so that largest elements are on the far right
#print ('5 most recent from lists and indices')
for i in range(1, N+1):
return top_files
if __name__ == "__main__":
较大的 REAL 程序更复杂,因为它会打开gnome-terminal