

我在 txt 文件中有以下数据块:

Informatica(r) PMCMD, version [9.5.1 HotFix4], build [313.0217], SOLARIS 64-bit 
Copyright (c) Informatica Corporation 1994 - 2014   
All Rights Reserved. 

Invoked at Wed Dec 30 11:13:42 2015 

Connected to Integration Service: [TEST_Integration_Service].   
Integration Service status: [Running]   
Integration Service startup time: [Sun Dec 27 06:37:32 2015]  
Integration Service current time: [Wed Dec 30 11:13:42 2015]  
Folder: [ALS_DIM]  
Workflow: [wf_ld_als_dim] version [1].  
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]  
Workflow run error code: [0]  
Workflow run id [0].  
Schedule time: [Wed Dec 30 19:00:00 2015]  
Workflow run type: [Schedule]  
Run workflow as user: [Administrator]  
Run workflow with Impersonated OSProfile in domain: []  
Integration Service: [TEST_Integration_Service]  
Folder: [ALS_FACT]  
Workflow: [wf_s_m_ld_interchanges_detail_log] version [1].  
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]  
Workflow run error code: [0]  
Workflow run id [0].  
Schedule time: [Mon Jan 04 16:30:00 2016]  
Workflow run type: [Schedule]  
Run workflow as user: [Administrator]  
Run workflow with Impersonated OSProfile in domain: []  
Integration Service: [TEST_Integration_Service]  
Folder: [ALS_PRD]  
Workflow: [wf_maint_service_fields] version [1].  
Workflow run status: [Scheduled]  
Workflow run error code: [0]  
Workflow run id [0].  
Schedule time: [Thu Dec 31 07:10:00 2015]  
Workflow run type: [Schedule]  
Run workflow as user: [Administrator]  
Run workflow with Impersonated OSProfile in domain: []  
Integration Service: [TEST_Integration_Service]  
Number of scheduled workflows on this Integration Service: [3]  
Disconnecting from Integration Service  



Insert into <tablename> values('ALS_DIM', 'wf_ld_als_dim', 'Scheduled', 'Wed Dec 30 19:00:00 2015', 'TEST_Integration_Service')


我开发了一个特定于给定 3 组数据的脚本,但它应该使得该脚本可以针对任意数量的数据集运行。

我对 shell 脚本有非常初步的了解,因此如果能够获得一些关于此方面的帮助将是很棒的。



sed -ne'/^Folder: *\[/!{'                                     \
         -e'/^Workflow\( run status\)\{0,1\}: *\[/!{'         \
              -e'/^Schedule time: *\[/!{'                     \
                   -e'/^Integration Service: *\[/!d'          \
    -e\} -e\} -e\} -e"s//'/"      -e"s/\].*/'/"  -e'H;x'      \
                   -e'/ .*\n.*/h' -e's///'       -e'x'        \ 
                   -e's//Insert into <tablename> values(&)/'  \
                   -e's/\n//'     -e's//, /gp'

Insert into <tablename> values('ALS_DIM', 'wf_ld_als_dim', 'Scheduled', 'Wed Dec 30 19:00:00 2015', 'TEST_Integration_Service')
Insert into <tablename> values('ALS_FACT', 'wf_s_m_ld_interchanges_detail_log', 'Scheduled', 'Mon Jan 04 16:30:00 2016', 'TEST_Integration_Service')
Insert into <tablename> values('ALS_PRD', 'wf_maint_service_fields', 'Scheduled', 'Thu Dec 31 07:10:00 2015', 'TEST_Integration_Service')


if ! match ^Folder: *\[
then  if ! match ^Workflow: *\[ or ^Workflow run status: *\[
      then if !  match ^Schedule time: *\[
           then  if !  match ^Integration Service: *\[
                 then  delete



此时,所有线条都已被剥离为您想要的部分,但它们尚未连接。为了实现这一点,我使用了H保留行周期的旧空间。因此,将每行的副本附加到H旧空间,更改x保留和模式缓冲区,并/ .*\n.*/查找<空格>随后是一个<换行>- 仅发生在日期变更线之后的下一条保留线上。

如果找到该模式,我会用h它覆盖旧空间并s///替换掉全部模式空间的(将其留空以供下一次迭代使用,因为这是本次迭代的最后一行)。这里的空地址s///仅删除与该地址匹配的行的内容<空格> + <换行>模式 - 因此只有在每次迭代的最后一行这些指令中的任何一个才能成功。


接下来,我再次引用相同的正则表达式,并尝试替换与<空格> + <换行>自身的图案包裹在Insert into <tablename> values(和一个尾随的)



Perl 方法:

$ perl -lne 'if(/^(Folder|Workflow|Workflow.*?status|Sched.*time|Integration Service):.*?\[([^][]+)/){++$k%5==0 ? print "$2"  : printf "%s,",$2}' file
ALS_DIM, wf_ld_als_dim, Scheduled, Wed Dec 30 19:00:00 2015, TEST_Integration_Service
ALS_FACT, wf_s_m_ld_interchanges_detail_log, Scheduled, Mon Jan 04 16:30:00 2016, TEST_Integration_Service
ALS_PRD, wf_maint_service_fields, Scheduled, Thu Dec 31 07:10:00 2015, TEST_Integration_Service


$ perl -lne '
 if(/^                       ## Match the beginning of the line
     (                       ## 1st capturing group: $1
      Folder               | ## The various things we want to match
      Workflow             | 
      Workflow.*?status    |
      Sched.*time          |
      ):                     ## Only if they are followed by a :
      (                      ## 2nd caprturing group: $2.
        [^][]+               ## The longest string of non-] or [
      )/x                    ## The x allows writing multiline regexes          
{                            ## If this line matches...
    $k=$k+1;                   ## Increment the counter $k by one
    if($k%5==0){               ## If the current value of $k is a multiple of 5.
      print "$2"               ## Print the 2nd captured group and a newline.
    }                          ## The newline is automatically added by the -l. 

      printf "%s,",$2         ## For other lines, just print with no newline.
}' file
ALS_DIM, wf_ld_als_dim, Scheduled, Wed Dec 30 19:00:00 2015, TEST_Integration_Service
ALS_FACT, wf_s_m_ld_interchanges_detail_log, Scheduled, Mon Jan 04 16:30:00 2016, TEST_Integration_Service
ALS_PRD, wf_maint_service_fields, Scheduled, Thu Dec 31 07:10:00 2015, TEST_Integration_Service

要添加Insert ...,您只需通过一个简单的传递即可sed

$ perl -lne 'if(/^(Folder|Workflow|Workflow.*?status|Sched.*time|Integration Service):.*?\[([^][]+)/){++$k%5==0 ? print "$2"  : printf "%s,",$2}' file | 
    sed "s/^/Insert into <tablename> values('/; s/,/','/g; s/$/')/"
Insert into <tablename> values("ALS_DIM","wf_ld_als_dim","Scheduled","Wed Dec 30 19:00:00 2015","TEST_Integration_Service")
Insert into <tablename> values("ALS_FACT","wf_s_m_ld_interchanges_detail_log","Scheduled","Mon Jan 04 16:30:00 2016","TEST_Integration_Service")
Insert into <tablename> values("ALS_PRD","wf_maint_service_fields","Scheduled","Thu Dec 31 07:10:00 2015","TEST_Integration_Service")


  • s/^/Insert into <tablename> values("/:^是行的开头。因此,只需在行的开头s/^/foo/插入即可。foo在这里,它正在插入nsert into <tablename> values(".
  • s/,/','/g: 将所有 ( s///g) 逗号替换为','.
  • s/$/")/':$是行尾,因此这将添加)"到末尾。
