从 9.04 升级到 11.10,未满足依赖性

从 9.04 升级到 11.10,未满足依赖性

所以我一直在尝试阅读有关如何从终端升级的信息。我实际上是通过 putty 进行 SSHing 来完成所有这些操作的。无论如何……我首先尝试了 sudo apt-get update,但由于 Jaunty 已过期,我需要更新我的源。

我更新了我的源代码,apt-get update 开始工作了。然后我尝试了 apt-get upgrade,结果出现了某种依赖性错误。然后我读到 apt-get dist-upgrade 似乎可以让它正常工作。所以它开始安装一大堆东西,然后就卡住了。最后错误消息是:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  dmsetup: Depends: util-linux (> 2.16) but 2.14.2-1ubuntu4 is installed
  ifupdown: Depends: upstart-job
            Depends: initscripts (>= 2.88dsf-13.3) but 2.86.ds1-61ubuntu11 is installed
  initramfs-tools: Depends: util-linux (> 2.15~rc1) but 2.14.2-1ubuntu4 is installed
  libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.12.4-1ubuntu2) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is installed
                              Depends: perlapi-5.12.4
  libcompress-raw-zlib-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.12.4-1ubuntu2) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is installed
                             Depends: perlapi-5.12.4
  libdigest-sha1-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.12.3-6ubuntu4) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is installed
                       Depends: perlapi-5.12.3
  libhtml-parser-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.12.3-6ubuntu3) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is installed
                       Depends: perlapi-5.12.3
  libnet-ssleay-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.12.3-6ubuntu4) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is installed
                      Depends: perlapi-5.12.3
  libsocket6-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.12.3-6ubuntu4) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is installed
                   Depends: perlapi-5.12.3
  libwww-perl: Depends: liblwp-protocol-https-perl but it is not installed
               Depends: libwww-robotrules-perl but it is not installed
               Recommends: libhtml-form-perl but it is not installed
               Recommends: libhttp-daemon-perl but it is not installed
  module-init-tools: Depends: upstart-job
  mountall: Breaks: initscripts (< 2.88dsf-13.3) but 2.86.ds1-61ubuntu11 is installed
  plymouth: Depends: upstart-job
            Recommends: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text but it is not installed or
  udev: Depends: upstart-job
        Depends: util-linux (> 2.15~rc2) but 2.14.2-1ubuntu4 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.



您无法使用您选择的方法升级到 oneiric。

您只能通过 9.10/10.04/10.10/11.04 到达 oneiric。

使用我相信您已经制作的映像备份回滚到 Jaunty。下载 9.10 的备用 CD 并在执行每个升级序列之前使用它进行升级...

或者备份文件夹中的重要文件/home,执行全新的 11.10 安装并恢复您的文件。
