“硬件驱动程序”无法检测到我的 GPU (NVIDIA 520M 1GB)

“硬件驱动程序”无法检测到我的 GPU (NVIDIA 520M 1GB)

Ubuntu 无法检测到我的 GPU。Jockey 根本没有显示任何驱动程序,我甚至无法通过 sudo apt-get install nvidia-current 安装 nvidia 驱动程序。这就是我得到的结果:

Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.2.0-030200-generic (x86_64)
Consult the make.log in the build directory
/var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/195.36.24/build/ for more information.
dpkg: error processing nvidia-current (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of nvidia-current-dev:
 nvidia-current-dev depends on nvidia-current (>= 195.36.24); however:
  Package nvidia-current is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing nvidia-current-dev (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of nvidia-glx-185:
 nvidia-glx-185 depends on nvidia-current; however:
  Package nvidia-current is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing nvidia-glx-185 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Processing triggers for python-gmenu ...
No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
                                                                                                          No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.                                                Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/desktop.en_US.utf8.cache...
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-030200-generic
Processing triggers for python-support ...
Errors were encountered while processing:

E: 子进程 /usr/bin/dpkg 返回错误代码 (1)

我正在使用 Ubuntu 10.04 和 3.2.0 内核。有什么帮助吗?


看起来你已经从http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.2-precise/。在许多情况下,只需安装 linux-image-3.2.0-030200-generic 映像即可,但如果您需要安装 VirtualBox 或图形驱动程序等内核模块,则还需要安装内核头文件包。在链接的页面上,这些是linux-headers-3.2.0-030200-通用...amd64.deblinux-headers-3.2.0-030200...all.deb文件。


此外,安装较新的内核不会让您的 NVIDIA Optimus 卡被检测到,请参阅Ubuntu 是否支持具有 Optimus 技术的 NVIDIA GeForce?
