如何控制 Apple Mac Mini 上的风扇?

如何控制 Apple Mac Mini 上的风扇?

我在 Apple mini 硬件上运行 12.04 LTS(大约 4 年历史)。

风扇似乎不停地转着。“ThinkFan”已安装,但我不知道如何使用它来调节风扇速度。该软件说它可以通过 sysfs hwmon 接口与 ThinkPad 以外的系统一起使用。我不知道那是什么。


然后您可以编辑配置文件/etc/fancontrol或运行pwmconfigsudo su - -c /usr/sbin/pwmconfig)。您也可以像这样编辑配置文件,但请记住,您的硬件不同:

DEVPATH=hwmon0=devices/platform/coretemp.0 hwmon2=devices/platform/w83627ehf.656
DEVNAME=hwmon0=coretemp hwmon2=w83627dhg
FCFANS= hwmon0/device/pwm1=hwmon0/device/fan1_input

INTERVAL: how often the daemon should poll CPU temps and adjust fan speeds. INTERVAL is in seconds.

配置文件的其余部分被拆分成每个配置选项的(至少)两个值。每个配置选项首先指向一个 PWM 设备,该设备被写入以设置风扇速度。第二个“字段”是要设置的实际值。这允许监视和控制多个风扇和温度。

FCTEMPS: The temperature input device to read for CPU temperature. The above example corresponds to /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp1_input.
FCFANS: The current fan speed, which can be read (like the temperature) in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/fan1_input
MINTEMP: The temperature (°C) at which to SHUT OFF the CPU fan. Efficient CPUs often will not need a fan while idling. Be sure to set this to a temperature that you know is safe. Setting this to 0 is not recommended and may ruin your hardware!
MAXTEMP: The temperature (°C) at which to spin the fan at its MAXIMUM speed. This should be probably be set to perhaps 10 or 20 degrees (°C) below your CPU's critical/shutdown temperature. Setting it closer to MINTEMP will result in higher fan speeds overall.
MINSTOP: The PWM value at which your fan stops spinning. Each fan is a little different. Power tweakers can echo different values (between 0 and 255) to /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/pwm1 and then watch the CPU fan. When the CPU fan stops, use this value.
MINSTART: The PWM value at which your fan starts to spin again. This is often a higher value than MINSTOP as more voltage is required to overcome inertia.

fancontrol 还需要两个设置来验证配置文件是否仍是最新的。这些行以设置名称和等号开头,后面是几组 hwmon-class-device=setting,以空格分隔。您需要在配置中的任何位置为使用的每个 hwmon 类设备指定每个设置,否则 fancontrol 将无法工作。

DEVPATH: Sets the physical device. You can determine this by executing the command

