How to get icons in pcmanfm Ubuntu 12.10 with only fluxbox

How to get icons in pcmanfm Ubuntu 12.10 with only fluxbox

I installed Ubuntu 12.10 via mini-iso, after that I installed xinit, xorg, fluxbox, xterm, pcmanfm , chromium-browser and lxappearance. There is for now one set of icons, in lxappearance I chose the icon set and applied but they don't show up in pcmanfm, there I see only text.

How do I get pcmanfm to show folder icons?


Found the solution:

Forget lxappearance.

Make a text file called .gtkrc-2.0 and put the following line in it:

gtk-icon-theme-name = "full icon theme name"   

(of the theme you want, which has to be located in /usr/share/icons)

Save it in /home/username, and there will be icons!

For more gfk configuration use the following lines in .gtkrc-2.0:

#sets the font
gtk-font-name = "sans 8"

#sets the theme
gtk-theme-name = "Industrial"

(provided the gtk engine is installed)

More information about configuring fluxbox is available in the wiki for and at:
