口是心非 + Amazon S3 Glacier。需要多少“解冻”才能恢复备份

口是心非 + Amazon S3 Glacier。需要多少“解冻”才能恢复备份

自从我上次对 Amazon S3 进行口是心非备份以来,已经有几个月了,与此同时,由于我对 Amazon 存储桶设置了自动 30 天规则,我的 S3 备份已从“正常”还原状态移至Amazon Glacier 的冗余存储。

现在,当我运行时,duply <backupname> verify -v9我看到输出在最后挂起,并显示以下内容[这是在让它运行过夜之后,因为每次从 Glacier 恢复都需要几个小时]:

Chain start time: Sun Dec  1 14:49:39 2013
Chain end time: Fri May  1 20:18:38 2015
Number of contained backup sets: 16
Total number of contained volumes: 1438
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
                Full         Sun Dec  1 14:49:39 2013               318
         Incremental         Wed Dec 11 13:21:16 2013                 1
         Incremental         Wed Dec 18 19:48:07 2013                15
         Incremental         Tue Dec 31 18:45:25 2013                 4
         Incremental         Sat Jan  4 18:06:42 2014                 9
         Incremental         Sat Feb 15 15:14:59 2014                15
         Incremental         Sat Feb 15 15:43:26 2014                 1
         Incremental         Mon Feb 17 10:18:31 2014                 3
         Incremental         Mon Feb 17 10:24:57 2014                 1
         Incremental         Wed Feb 19 14:35:22 2014                 1
         Incremental         Wed Feb 19 14:38:52 2014                 1
         Incremental         Sun Mar  2 22:37:32 2014               514
         Incremental         Wed Jul  9 20:12:22 2014                26
         Incremental         Sat Dec  6 22:57:27 2014               262
         Incremental         Fri May  1 18:37:57 2015               266
         Incremental         Fri May  1 20:18:38 2015                 1
No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.
Using temporary directory /tmp/duplicity-Q5My3G-tempdir
Registering (mktemp) temporary file /tmp/duplicity-Q5My3G-tempdir/mktemp-DGtqcn-1
File duplicity-full.20131201T144939Z.vol1.difftar.gpg is in Glacier storage, restoring to S3
Waiting for file duplicity-full.20131201T144939Z.vol1.difftar.gpg to restore from Glacier
File duplicity-full.20131201T144939Z.vol1.difftar.gpg was successfully restored from Glacier
Registering (mktemp) temporary file /tmp/duplicity-Q5My3G-tempdir/mktemp-AQObTq-2
Waiting for file duplicity-inc.20131201T144939Z.to.20131211T132116Z.vol1.difftar.gpg to restore from Glacier
File duplicity-inc.20131201T144939Z.to.20131211T132116Z.vol1.difftar.gpg was successfully restored from Glacier
Registering (mktemp) temporary file /tmp/duplicity-Q5My3G-tempdir/mktemp-U6R9NX-3
File duplicity-inc.20131211T132116Z.to.20131218T194807Z.vol1.difftar.gpg is in Glacier storage, restoring to S3
Waiting for file duplicity-inc.20131211T132116Z.to.20131218T194807Z.vol1.difftar.gpg to restore from Glacier
File duplicity-inc.20131211T132116Z.to.20131218T194807Z.vol1.difftar.gpg was successfully restored from Glacier
Registering (mktemp) temporary file /tmp/duplicity-Q5My3G-tempdir/mktemp-6ZNOgl-4
File duplicity-inc.20131218T194807Z.to.20131231T184525Z.vol1.difftar.gpg is in Glacier storage, restoring to S3
Waiting for file duplicity-inc.20131218T194807Z.to.20131231T184525Z.vol1.difftar.gpg to restore from Glacier

现在,我有点期待最新的 difftar 文件必须从 Glacier 解冻,以便 Duplicity 从上次停止的地方继续。但是,鉴于备份是增量的,我很困惑为什么它似乎会进一步“解冻”[早期] difftar 文件。我暂时取消了该命令,但我需要确定重试是否安全。如果 Duplicity 需要在恢复之前解冻一些 difftar 文件,那也没有问题。但备份的数据超过 80GB,我不能让它解冻我的整个备份存档。


上次,口是心非在我的雷达上,我知道有人在谈论增加对 Glacier 的支持,并且Waiting ... to restore from Glacier消息表明这已经完成了。然而,由于我的备份文件已通过自​​动存储桶规则移动到 Glacier,而不是通过 Duplicity 本身显式移动,因此我不确定这是否会搞乱事情,以及是否能够恢复该备份。




