从 wubi 安装 Ubuntu 12.04 后 Windows 7 无法启动

从 wubi 安装 Ubuntu 12.04 后 Windows 7 无法启动

我尝试在预装了 Windows7 的笔记本电脑(Lenovo Z580)上使用 Live CD 安装 Ubuntu 12.04。

在安装时,我创建了root(15GB)sda1swap(4GB)的分区sda2。成功安装 Ubuntu 并重新启动后,我重新安装了grub

经过多次修改后,按照 Linux 论坛的建议,重新安装并更新 grub,现在 grub 显示 Ubuntu 12.04 和 Windows7 的选项,Ubuntu 运行良好。

这是我用来获取 grub 条目的过程:我在这里使用了选项 2:http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7


从 livecd 启动 ubuntu,打开终端并运行:

sudo -i mount /dev/sda7 /mnt mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/boot #如果没有单独的 /boot 分区,请跳过此步骤 grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda


mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys chroot /mnt update-grub umount /mnt/sys umount /mnt/dev umount /mnt/proc 退出

选择 Windows7 后,我得到:

error: device not found ...<UUID>...  
error: file not found



>                 **Boot Info Script 0.61 [1 April 2012]**

>============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================
>=> Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of 
>    the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks 
>   for (,msdos1)/boot/grub on this drive.
>sda1: __________________________________________________________________________
>    File system:       ext4
>    Boot sector type:  -
>    Boot sector info: 
>    Operating System:  Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
>    Boot files:        /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/fstab /boot/grub/core.img
>sda2: __________________________________________________________________________
>    File system:       swap
>    Boot sector type:  -
>    Boot sector info: 
>============================ Drive/Partition Info: =============================
>Drive: sda _____________________________________________________________________
>Disk /dev/sda: 750.2 GB, 750156374016 bytes
>255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders, total 1465149168 sectors
>Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
>Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
>Partition  Boot  Start Sector    End Sector  # of Sectors  Id System
>/dev/sda1    *             63    39,062,562    39,062,500  83 Linux
>/dev/sda2          39,070,080    49,303,484    10,233,405  82 Linux swap / Solaris
>"blkid" output: ________________________________________________________________
>Device           UUID                                   TYPE       LABEL
>/dev/sda1        f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f   ext4       ubuntu_12.04
>/dev/sda2        df6ae95d-e88d-4f4a-a010-b01a8d642f0a   swap       
>/dev/sr0                                                iso9660    Ubuntu 12.04 LTS i386
>================================ Mount points: =================================
>Device           Mount_Point              Type       Options
>/dev/sda1        /                        ext4       (rw,errors=remount-ro)
>/dev/sr0         /media/Ubuntu 12.04 LTS i386 iso9660    >(ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks)
>=========================== sda1/boot/grub/grub.cfg: ===========================

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
>insmod part_msdos
>if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
>  set have_grubenv=true
>  load_env
>set default="0"
>if [ "${prev_saved_entry}" ]; then
>  set saved_entry="${prev_saved_entry}"
>  save_env saved_entry
>  set prev_saved_entry=
>  save_env prev_saved_entry
>  set boot_once=true
>function savedefault {
>  if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then
>    saved_entry="${chosen}"
>    save_env saved_entry
>  fi
>function recordfail {
>  set recordfail=1
>  if [ -n "${have_grubenv}" ]; then if [ -z "${boot_once}" ]; then save_env recordfail; >fi; fi
>function load_video {
>  insmod vbe
>  insmod vga
>  insmod video_bochs
>  insmod video_cirrus
>insmod part_msdos
>insmod ext2
>set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>if loadfont /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then
>  set gfxmode=auto
>  load_video
>  insmod gfxterm
>  insmod part_msdos
>  insmod ext2
>  set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>  set locale_dir=($root)/boot/grub/locale
>  set lang=en_IN
>  insmod gettext
>terminal_output gfxterm
>if [ "${recordfail}" = 1 ]; then
>  set timeout=-1
>  set timeout=10
>### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
>set menu_color_normal=white/black
>set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray
>if background_color 44,0,30; then
>  clear
>### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
>function gfxmode {
>   set gfxpayload="${1}"
>   if [ "${1}" = "keep" ]; then
>       set vt_handoff=vt.handoff=7
>   else
>       set vt_handoff=
>   fi
>if [ "${recordfail}" != 1 ]; then
>  if [ -e ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt ]; then
>    if hwmatch ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt 3; then
>      if [ ${match} = 0 ]; then
>        set linux_gfx_mode=keep
>      else
>        set linux_gfx_mode=text
>      fi
>    else
>      set linux_gfx_mode=text
>    fi
>  else
>    set linux_gfx_mode=keep
>  fi
>  set linux_gfx_mode=text
>export linux_gfx_mode
>if [ "${linux_gfx_mode}" != "text" ]; then load_video; fi
>menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-37-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux >--class gnu --class os {
>   recordfail
>   gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
>   insmod gzio
>   insmod part_msdos
>   insmod ext2
>   set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>   linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-37-generic-pae root=UUID=f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f ro   quiet splash
>   initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-37-generic-pae
>menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-37-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu >--class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
>   recordfail
>   insmod gzio
>   insmod part_msdos
>   insmod ext2
>   set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>   echo    'Loading Linux 3.2.0-37-generic-pae ...'
>   linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-37-generic-pae root=UUID=f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f ro recovery nomodeset 
>   echo    'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
>   initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-37-generic-pae
>submenu "Previous Linux versions" {
>menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-23-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux >--class gnu --class os {
>   recordfail
>   gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
>   insmod gzio
>   insmod part_msdos
>   insmod ext2
>   set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>   linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-23-generic-pae root=UUID=f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff
>   initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-23-generic-pae
>menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-23-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu >--class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
>   recordfail
>   insmod gzio
>   insmod part_msdos
>   insmod ext2
>   set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>   echo    'Loading Linux 3.2.0-23-generic-pae ...'
>   linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-23-generic-pae root=UUID=f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f ro recovery nomodeset 
>   echo    'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
>   initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-23-generic-pae
>### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###
>### END /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen ###

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###
>menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+)" {
>   insmod part_msdos
>   insmod ext2
>   set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>   linux16 /boot/memtest86+.bin
>menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)" {
>   insmod part_msdos
>   insmod ext2
>   set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f
>   linux16 /boot/memtest86+.bin console=ttyS0,115200n8
>### END /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
>### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware ###
>### END /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware ###

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###
># This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
># menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
># the 'exec tail' line above.
>menuentry "Windows 7" {
>insmod part_gpt
>insmod ntfs
>insmod search_fs_uuid
>insmod chain
>search --fs-uuid --no-floppy --set=root df6ae95d-e88d-4f4a-a010-b01a8d642f0a
>chainloader (${root})/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
>### END /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###

>### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/41_custom ###
>if [ -f  $prefix/custom.cfg ]; then
>  source $prefix/custom.cfg;
>### END /etc/grub.d/41_custom ###

>=============================== sda1/etc/fstab: ================================

># /etc/fstab: static file system information.
># Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
># device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
># that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
># <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
>proc            /proc           proc    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0       0
># / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
>UUID=f7f81676-bd83-4fd9-96bc-a657785a491f /               ext4    errors=remount-ro >0       1
># swap was on /dev/sda2 during installation
>UUID=df6ae95d-e88d-4f4a-a010-b01a8d642f0a none            swap    sw              >0       0

>=================== sda1: Location of files loaded by Grub: ====================

>           GiB - GB             File                                 Fragment(s)

>  2.222815990 = 2.386730496    boot/grub/core.img                             1
>   2.216872692 = 2.380348928    boot/grub/grub.cfg                             1
>   8.361613750 = 8.978214400    boot/grub/stage2                               1
>   1.656280041 = 1.778417152    boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-23-generic-pae           4
>   1.755408764 = 1.884855808    boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-37-generic-pae           2
>   8.359111309 = 8.975527424    boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-23-generic-pae              1
>   1.461738110 = 1.569529344    boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-37-generic-pae              1
>   1.656280041 = 1.778417152    initrd.img                                     4
>   1.656280041 = 1.778417152    initrd.img.old                                 4
>   8.359111309 = 8.975527424    vmlinuz                                        1
>========= Devices which don't seem to have a corresponding hard drive: =========


>=============================== StdErr Messages: ===============================

>xz: (stdin): Compressed data is corrupt


菜单项“Windows 7”{ insmod part_msdos insmod ntfs insmod search_fs_uuid insmod chain search --fs-uuid --no-floppy --set=root df6ae95d-e88d-4f4a-a010-b01a8d642f0a chainloader (${root})/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi }

/etc/grub.d/40_custom文件中,并更新了 grub - 按照另一个论坛的建议尝试配置 grub 中的菜单选项。

还有一件事..我无法在 Ubuntu 中看到 Windows7 分区,正如您在 bootinfosummary 中看到的那样!这是否意味着我已经格式化了 Windows 分区?

$ sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 750.2 GB, 750156374016 bytes 255 heads, 63
sectors/track, 91201 cylinders, total 1465149168 sectors Units =
sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512
bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000ec888

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *          63    39062562    19531250   83  Linux
Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. /dev/sda2     
39070080    49303484     5116702+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
