Tmux 换行指示器

Tmux 换行指示器

我想一目了然地看到我的 tmux 终端动态包装输出行的位置:包装行当前如下所示:

This is a very long sentence that did not
fit on one screen line.


This is a very long sentence that did not
>>> fit on one screen line.

下面vim我就用它set breakindentopt sbr=>>>来达到这个效果。 tmux 有类似的选项吗?



#!/usr/bin/env bash

cols=$(tput cols)
colsi=$((${cols} + 1))
wrap='>>> '

$@ | while IFS='' read -r line; do
    while [ ${#line} -gt ${#wrap} ]; do
        echo "${line}" | cut -c-"${cols}"
        line="${wrap}"$(echo "${line}" | cut -c"${colsi}"-)

该脚本的作用是循环遍历其参数 ( $@),然后打印一行输出,并将$wrap变量添加到以下输出行。它独立于它tmux,并且可以在其内部或外部使用。将脚本存储在名为eg的文件中wrapper,然后像这样调用它:

$ x='This is just a very long silly line, it should show the use case of the wrapper script, that means the only thing this silly text is supposed to do, is to be long enough to be wrapped. Since I dont know what resolution you have on your screen, you might want to extend this line yourself to make sure it is wrapped.'

$ echo "$x"
> This is just a very long silly line, it should show the use case of the wrapper script, that means the only thing this silly text is supposed to do, is to be long enough to be wrapped. Since
> I dont know what resolution you have on your screen, you might want to extend this line yourself to make sure it is wrapped.

$ wrapper echo "$x"
> This is just a very long silly line, it should show the use case of the wrapper script, that means the only thing this silly text is supposed to do, is to be long enough to be wrapped. Since
> >>> I dont know what resolution you have on your screen, you might want to extend this line yourself to make sure it is wrapped.

echo "$x"请注意和之间的输出差异wrapper echo "$x"
