使用 sudo 运行时未在脚本中设置 JAVA_HOME

使用 sudo 运行时未在脚本中设置 JAVA_HOME

我正在尝试运行一个安装脚本,该脚本需要安装 java 并JAVA_HOME设置环境变量。

我已经在 和 中调用JAVA_HOME了一个/etc/profile文件。我可以得到正确的回应,我什至可以得到正确的回应。java.sh/etc/profile.decho $JAVA_HOMEsudo echo $JAVA_HOME

install.sh在“我正在尝试运行”中,我插入了一个echo $JAVA_HOME.当我运行这个脚本时,sudo我没有看到 java 目录;当我运行脚本时sudo它是空白的。


我运行的是 CentOS。


出于安全原因,sudo可能会清除环境变量,这就是它可能无法获取 $JAVA_HOME 的原因。在您的/etc/sudoers文件中查找env_reset.

man sudoers

env_reset   If set, sudo will reset the environment to only contain the following variables: HOME, LOGNAME, PATH, SHELL, TERM, and USER (in addi-
           tion to the SUDO_* variables).  Of these, only TERM is copied unaltered from the old environment.  The other variables are set to
           default values (possibly modified by the value of the set_logname option).  If sudo was compiled with the SECURE_PATH option, its value
           will be used for the PATH environment variable.  Other variables may be preserved with the env_keep option.

env_keep    Environment variables to be preserved in the user's environment when the env_reset option is in effect.  This allows fine-grained con-
           trol over the environment sudo-spawned processes will receive.  The argument may be a double-quoted, space-separated list or a single
           value without double-quotes.  The list can be replaced, added to, deleted from, or disabled by using the =, +=, -=, and ! operators
           respectively.  This list has no default members.

因此,如果您希望它保留 JAVA_HOME,请将其添加到 env_keep:

Defaults   env_keep += "JAVA_HOME"

或者,设置JAVA_HOME在 root 的~/.bash_profile.


使用 -E(保留环境)选项运行 sudo(请参阅 man 文件),或将 JAVA_HOME 放入 install.sh 脚本中。
