我无法正确运行 gtg(通过 gnome 获取待办事项)

我无法正确运行 gtg(通过 gnome 获取待办事项)

我已通过将 ppa 添加到存储库来安装 gtg。当我从终端运行 gtg 时,某些功能处于空闲状态。我该如何激活这些功能?

2013-05-05 17:27:15,934 - WARNING - __init__:__init__:77 - Backend backend_twitter could not be loaded: No module named tweepy.models
2013-05-05 17:27:15,937 - WARNING - __init__:__init__:77 - Backend backend_rtm could not be loaded: No module named dateutil.tz
2013-05-05 17:27:15,991 - WARNING - __init__:__init__:77 - Backend backend_evolution could not be loaded: No module named evolution
2013-05-05 17:27:15,991 - WARNING - __init__:__init__:77 - Backend backend_mantis could not be loaded: No module named suds.client
2013-05-05 17:27:15,992 - WARNING - __init__:__init__:77 - Backend backend_launchpad could not be loaded: No module named launchpadlib.launchpad


GTG 维护者在这里。所有这些功能都是可选的,并为您提供如何与 Launchpad、Mantis 或 Evolution 等外部服务同步的方法。它们的依赖项列在自述

=== Dependencies for Synchronization Services ===

Evolution synchronization service has dependencies:
  * python-evolution
  * python-dateutil

Because of a bug in PyGTK (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtg/+bug/936183),
the synchronization service freezes GTG and the synchronization service can't be used.

MantisBT synchronization service has a dependency:
  * python-suds

Launchpad synchronization service has a dependency:
  * python-launchpadlib

Gnote and Tomboy synchronization services has no external dependency.

Identica and Twitter synchronization services are shipped with the local
version of Tweety library.

Remember the Milk synchronization service is shipped with a library for RTM api.
It has an external dependency:
  * python-dateutil

Remember the Milk is not maintained for a long time and might be potentially harmful.



编辑 -> 同步服务
