多个实时 WiFi 配置文件可以在 Ubuntu 上共存吗?

多个实时 WiFi 配置文件可以在 Ubuntu 上共存吗?

工作时有多个 wifi 可用于不同用途。如果 Ubuntu 上只配置了一个 wifi,即当时只有一个 wifi 配置文件有效,我的笔记本电脑可以连接到其中任何一个。但是,如果配置了多个 wifi,Ubuntu 就无法连接到其中任何一个。

dmesg 报告“根据本地选择从 04:c5:a4:09:51:3d 取消身份验证(原因=3)”或“根据本地选择从 04:c5:a4:09:51:3d 取消身份验证(原因=2)”


  • HP folio 9470m

  • Ubuntu 13.04 麒麟

    uname -a
    Linux HP-EliteBook-Folio-9470m 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 18:16:28 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

这些 wifi 可以在 Windows 7 上正常使用。如果有人能找出问题所在以及如何在 Ubuntu 上修复它,那就太好了。



0...noReasonCode...Normal operation.
1...unspecifiedReason...Client associated but no longer authorized.
2...previousAuthNotValid...Client associated but not authorized.
3...deauthenticationLeaving...The access point went offline, deauthenticating the client.
4...disassociationDueToInactivity...Client session timeout exceeded.
5...disassociationAPBusy...The access point is busy, performing load balancing, for example.
6...class2FrameFromNonAuthStation...Client attempted to transfer data before it was authenticated.
7...class2FrameFromNonAssStation...Client attempted to transfer data before it was associated.
8...disassociationStaHasLeft...Operating System moved the client to another access point using non-aggressive load balancing.
9...staReqAssociationWithoutAuth...Client not authorized yet, still attempting to associate with an access point.
99...missingReasonCode...Client momentarily in an unknown state.

可能“无法修复”错误。我从该报告中得知,NetworkManager 无法确定哪一个是“最佳”。

免责声明 - 我使用 wicd,它似乎在您的场景中起作用。
