

经过一些相当高级的配置和内核编译后,我在我的 MacBook Pro 8,3 上启用了 EFI 启动和 Intel Graphics,并且禁用了 ATI 专有驱动程序,以便能够节省大量电量并使笔记本电脑在此过程中保持更低的温度下。


Section "Device"
    Identifier "Device0"
    Driver "intel"
    BusID "0:2:0"

我删除了所有内容以允许内容或多或少地自动配置,但我想确保 X 尝试加载英特尔驱动程序而不是其他任何东西。

在我的 中/var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log,我看到以下内容:

[+0.00s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Starting Light Display Manager 1.2.3, UID=0 PID=14647
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Loaded configuration from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Using D-Bus name org.freedesktop.DisplayManager
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Registered seat module xlocal
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Registered seat module xremote
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Adding default seat
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Starting seat
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Starting new display for greeter
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Starting local X display
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Using VT 7
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Activating VT 7
[+0.00s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log
[+0.01s] DEBUG: Writing X server authority to /var/run/lightdm/root/:0
[+0.01s] DEBUG: Launching X Server
[+0.01s] DEBUG: Launching process 14651: /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
[+0.01s] DEBUG: Waiting for ready signal from X server :0
[+0.01s] DEBUG: Acquired bus name org.freedesktop.DisplayManager
[+0.01s] DEBUG: Registering seat with bus path /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0
[+0.30s] DEBUG: Got signal 10 from process 14651
[+0.30s] DEBUG: Got signal from X server :0
[+0.30s] DEBUG: Connecting to XServer :0
[+0.31s] DEBUG: Starting greeter
[+0.31s] DEBUG: Started session 14656 with service 'lightdm', username 'lightdm'
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Session 14656 authentication complete with return value 0: Success
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Greeter authorized
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log
[+0.35s] DEBUG: Session 14656 running command /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-greeter-session /usr/share/xgreeters/pantheon-greeter
[+0.60s] DEBUG: Greeter closed communication channel
[+0.60s] DEBUG: Session 14656 exited with return value 0
[+0.60s] DEBUG: Greeter quit
[+0.60s] DEBUG: Failed to start greeter
[+0.60s] DEBUG: Stopping display
[+0.60s] DEBUG: Sending signal 15 to process 14651
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Process 14651 exited with return value 0
[+0.97s] DEBUG: X server stopped
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Removing X server authority /var/run/lightdm/root/:0
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Releasing VT 7
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Display server stopped
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Display stopped
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Stopping X local seat, failed to start a display
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Stopping seat
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Seat stopped
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Required seat has stopped
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Stopping display manager
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Display manager stopped
[+0.97s] DEBUG: Stopping daemon
[+0.98s] DEBUG: Exiting with return value 1

似乎无法启动欢迎程序,但没有比这更详细的信息了。我似乎找不到任何其他相关日志。在 中Xorg.0.log,我看到此错误:

[   477.378] (EE) GLX error: Can not get required symbols. 

我不知道这是否与此问题有关,但确实如此。您对 lightdm 无法启动的原因有什么想法吗?我能够让 X 本身启动sudo startx,但欢迎程序无法启动 :(



sudo apt-get remove fglrx*
