不借助 Google 的话,我怎样才能知道某个东西在哪个包装里?

不借助 Google 的话,我怎样才能知道某个东西在哪个包装里?


$ make html
sphinx-build -b djangohtml -d _build/doctrees   . _build/html
make: sphinx-build: Command not found
make: *** [html] Error 127

$ sudo apt-get install sphinx
E: Unable to locate package sphinx

$ sudo apt-get install sphinx-build
E: Unable to locate package sphinx-build


$ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx



安装apt 文件然后运行apt-file update

然后使用apt-file search sphinx-build搜索包含名为的文件的包sphinx-构建


Ubuntu 非常智能。尝试运行它吧。

$ sphinx-build

The program 'sphinx-build' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx


我不知道 apt-get 是否可以做到这一点,但无论如何我更喜欢使用 aptitude。



sudo aptitude search sphinx
p   gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx      - lightweight speech recognition - GStreamer
p   libpocketsphinx-dev             - lightweight speech recognition - developme
p   libpocketsphinx1                - lightweight speech recognition - library  
p   libsphinx-search-perl           - Perl module for Sphinx search engine      
p   libsphinx2-dev                  - speech recognition library - development k
p   libsphinx2g0                    - speech recognition library                
p   libsphinxbase-dev               - Sphinx base libraries - development files 
p   libsphinxbase1                  - Sphinx base libraries                     
p   pocketsphinx-hmm-tidigits       - lightweight speech recognition - TIDIGITS 
p   pocketsphinx-hmm-wsj1           - lightweight speech recognition - WSJ1 acou
p   pocketsphinx-lm-wsj             - lightweight speech recognition - WSJ langu
p   pocketsphinx-utils              - lightweight speech recognition - command-l
p   python-pocketsphinx             - lightweight speech recognition - Python mo
p   python-pocketsphinx-dbg         - lightweight speech recognition - Python mo
p   python-repoze.sphinx.autointerf - Sphinx extension that auto-generates API d
p   python-sphinx                   - tool for producing documentation for Pytho
p   python-sphinxbase               - Sphinx base libraries - Python module     
p   python-sphinxbase-dbg           - Sphinx base libraries - Python module (deb
v   python2.6-pocketsphinx          -                                           
v   python2.6-pocketsphinx-dbg      -                                           
v   python2.6-sphinxbase            -                                           
v   python2.6-sphinxbase-dbg        -                                           
v   python2.7-pocketsphinx          -                                           
v   python2.7-pocketsphinx-dbg      -                                           
v   python2.7-sphinxbase            -                                           
v   python2.7-sphinxbase-dbg        -                                           
p   sphinx2-bin                     - speech recognition utilities              
p   sphinx2-hmm-6k                  - speech recognition library - default acous
p   sphinxbase-utils                - Sphinx base libraries - utilities         
p   sphinxsearch                    - Fast standalone full-text SQL search engine


您可以使用 apt 命令组或我推荐的 aptitude。以下是要搜索的列表


要搜索与所需命令类似的内容: apt-cache search X例如,apt-cache search cheese将为您提供与奶酪相关的所有内容。
要显示它具有哪些依赖项和内容,您需要执行apt-cache show cheese
当然,安装将是apt-get install cheese


搜索:aptitude search cheese这将显示比 apt 更漂亮的列表
显示:aptitude show cheese这将再次显示更漂亮、更友好的列表
安装:aptitude install cheese安装它。再次更漂亮。

此外,aptitude 还会提供与您正在寻找的内容更相关的信息,例如:

apt-cache search phi对比aptitude search phi
apt-cache search sphi对比aptitude search sphi

如果你想要一个 GUI 版本我推荐Synaptic 软件包管理器或者更简单软件中心。在 Synaptic 中,您可以查找与您要查找的内容类似的内容,它会将其显示给您。
