选择有什么缺点在 resolvconf 的配置对话框中?

选择有什么缺点在 resolvconf 的配置对话框中?

Windows 主机的自动重启不知何故弄乱了我的 Ubuntu (12.04 lts) VirtualBox 的 resolvconf。(首先,它/etc/resolv.conf消失了。)


% sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf


The resolvconf package contains the infrastructure required for dynamic updating of
the resolver configuration file. Part of the necessary infrastructure is a symbolic
link from /etc/resolv.conf to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. If you choose this
option then this link will be created; the existing /etc/resolv.conf file will be
preserved as /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original, and will be restored if this
package is removed.

Declining this option will prevent future installations from recreating the
symbolic link and therefore the resolver configuration file will not be dynamically
updated. Dynamic updating can then be activated following instructions in the
README file.

The presence of resolvconf can affect the behavior of other programs, so it should
not be left installed if unconfigured.

Prepare /etc/resolv.conf for dynamic updates?

                         <Yes>                       [<No>]






如果您想使用 resolvconf(Ubuntu 用户通常会这样做),那么您通常在此处选择“是”。仅当您想安装 resolvconf 但不激活其对 glibc 解析器的控制时才选择“否”。有些人这样做是出于特殊原因,我无需在此详述。

添加该问题最初是为了尝试遵守 Debian 政策,该政策对于软件包对配置文件的操作非常挑剔。

默认答案应该是“是”。如果您的默认答案为“否”,而您不知道原因,请提出相关问题或针对 resolvconf 提交错误报告。
