为什么 Steam 无法连接 Steam 网络?

为什么 Steam 无法连接 Steam 网络?

这是我尝试启动 steam 时的输出。它以消息“Keine Verbindung zum Steam-Netzwerk möglich...”(没有连接到 Steam 网络...)结束。

到目前为止,删除 appcache 没有帮助。

running Steam on ubuntu 13.04 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
unlinked 0 orphaned pipes
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
[1004/102851:WARNING:proxy_service.cc(646)] PAC support disabled because there is no > system implementation
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Generating new string page texture 2: 48x256, total string texture memory is 49,15 KB
Generating new string page texture 3: 256x256, total string texture memory is 311,30 KB
(steam:12440): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: g_simple_async_result_complete() called from wrong context!
(steam:12440): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: g_simple_async_result_complete() called from wrong context!
(steam:12440): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: g_simple_async_result_complete() called from wrong context!
(steam:12440): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: g_simple_async_result_complete() called from wrong context!
(steam:12440): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: g_simple_async_result_complete() called from wrong context!
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1370553818_client)
`menu_proxy_module_load': /home/ex00r/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam: undefined symbol: menu_proxy_module_load
(steam:12440): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load type module: (null)
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
(steam:12440): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're it's parent.
roaming config store loaded successfully - 6339 bytes.
migrating temporary roaming config store
Adding license for package 0
Adding license for package 11
Adding license for package 79
Adding license for package 517
Adding license for package 1292
Adding license for package 2243
Adding license for package 2753
Adding license for package 3024
Adding license for package 4314
Adding license for package 4819
Adding license for package 8198
Adding license for package 8892
Adding license for package 11107
Adding license for package 11108
Adding license for package 11262
Adding license for package 13533
Adding license for package 14481
Adding license for package 17982
Adding license for package 32744
Adding license for package 32745
Adding license for package 32747
Generating new string page texture 4: 128x256, total string texture memory is 442,37 KB
Generating new string page texture 5: 384x256, total string texture memory is 835,58 KB
Generating new string page texture 6: 1024x256, total string texture memory is 1,88 MB
Generating new string page texture 7: 512x256, total string texture memory is 2,41 MB
Generating new string page texture 8: 24x256, total string texture memory is 2,43 MB
unlinked 2 orphaned pipes
CAsyncIOManager: 0 threads terminating.  0 reads, 0 writes, 0 deferrals.
CAsyncIOManager: 804 single object sleeps, 0 multi object sleeps
CAsyncIOManager: 0 single object alertable sleeps, 1 multi object alertable sleeps
[2013-10-04 10:28:50] Startup - updater built Jun  6 2013 13:48:29
[2013-10-04 10:28:50] Installation wird überprüft...
[2013-10-04 10:28:50] Verification complete
Shutting down. . .
[2013-10-04 10:29:08] Shutdown


德国 Ubuntu 论坛上也有同样的问题



steam --reset


删除 appcache 对我有帮助,直到发布了新的 steam 版本,似乎已经修复了这个问题。

您可以通过终端删除 appcache

rm -Rf ~/.steam/steam/appcache

不要使用 sudo 执行此操作。


当 Steam 意外关闭时,我能够重现此问题,并且网络连接完美。我遇到的解决方案是删除:




我认为就我的情况而言,只是 Steam Auth 服务器超载/宕机了。对此我们能做的不多;我建议查看 Reddit,看看是否有任何最近的讨论提到了停机:https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam
