Ubuntu 13.10 笔记本电脑蓝牙无法正常工作

Ubuntu 13.10 笔记本电脑蓝牙无法正常工作

我在 Ubuntu 13.10 上遇到了蓝牙问题,我不知道从哪里开始查找。我最终给出了一个,cat /var/log/syslog | grep -i bluetooth这是我得到的结果(在之后sudo service bluetooth restart):

Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Terminating
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Endpoint unregistered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPHS
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Stopping SDP server
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[764]: Exit
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Bluetooth daemon 4.101
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Starting SDP server
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: DIS cannot start: GATT is disabled
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Failed to init deviceinfo plugin
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Failed to init proximity plugin
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Failed to init time plugin
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Failed to init alert plugin
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Failed to init thermometer plugin
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Failed to init gatt_example plugin
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Bluetooth Management interface initialized
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: input-headset driver probe failed for device 7C:61:93:D4:A5:8F
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Adapter /org/bluez/3231/hci0 has been enabled
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Unknown command complete for opcode 19
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: hci0: Get Connections (0x0015) failed: Not Powered (0x0f)
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPHS
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
Oct 25 19:30:02 razvan-asus bluetoothd[3231]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.58 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink



我应该补充一下,我使用的笔记本电脑是华硕 U31S


今天我尝试使用蓝牙“设置新设备”搜索新设备(鼠标),成功了。配对后,我也可以访问扬声器。在此之前,我hcitool dev什么都没有,现在我有:

        hci0    74:2F:68:69:BD:AD

所以...据我所知,在配对之前,hci0 处于关闭状态,在搜索并成功配对后,设备打开,现在其他连接也可以正常工作...有什么想法吗?谢谢。



我怀疑您的蓝牙在 13.10 上无法工作可能是由于最新内核中的一个错误。

可以通过安装下面的 bazaar fork 来修复此问题:



如何在 13.10 中安装 Bazaar fork?


sudo apt-get install bzr build-essential 
sudo apt-get build-dep indicator-bluetooth  
bzr branch lp:~robert-ancell/indicator-bluetooth/dont-hide-on-rfkill  
cd dont-hide-on-rfkill  
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i indicator-bluetooth_0.0.6daily13.02.19-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb


