安装内核 3.3.6 时无法运行 make

安装内核 3.3.6 时无法运行 make
desktop:~/Desktop/linux-3.3.6$ make xconfig
make[1]: Warning: File `scripts/kconfig/.zconf.tab.o.cmd' has modification time 1.7e+04 s in the future
  CHECK   qt
* Unable to find the QT4 tool qmake. Trying to use QT3
* Unable to find any QT installation. Please make sure that
* the QT4 or QT3 development package is correctly installed and
* either qmake can be found or install pkg-config or set
* the QTDIR environment variable to the correct location.
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', needed by `scripts/kconfig/qconf.o'.  Stop.
make: *** [xconfig] Error 2

当我尝试qt4-qmake通过 synaptic manager 安装时,显示一条错误,提示tz_data not found



apt-get 安装 qt4-qmake libqt4-dev

它还会安装许多其他文件。只需选择 Y。祝您内核编译顺利!
