

按照我之前的问题我希望能解决的问题仍然存在。问题是,通过升级,我可以选择升级到 13.10。然而,我目前正在运行的 12.10 已于 2014 年 5 月结束 - “提供”的版本是 13.10,但这个版本已于 2014 年 7 月结束!

现在该做什么?真希望我能升级一次,而不是再买一个新的硬盘来升级……因为这需要花很多天的工作时间 :P

我是否应该升级到 13.10,然后再升级到 14.10 或 14.04,或者这是死路一条。这是一项高风险操作吗?等等。

无法发布图片,因此这里是 ASCII 版本的对话

[»«][                       Software Updater                      ] _X |
|                                                                      |
|  +-------+  Software updates are no longer provided for Ubuntu       |
|  |    ^  |  12.10                                                    |
|  |    #  |                                                           |
|  +-------+                                                           |
|             To stay secure, you should upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10       |
|                                                                      |
|  [ Settings... ]                    [  Upgrade...  ] [     OK     ]  |
|                                                                      |

[ Upgrade... ]

= Upgrading to a no longer supported version =

You are about to upgrade to a version of Ubuntu that is no longer

The target release of Ubuntu is '''no longer supported''' by
Canonical. The support timeframe is between 9 month and 5 years after
the initial release. You will not receive security updates or critical
bugfixes. See http://www.ubuntu.com/releaseendoflife for details.

It is still possible to upgrade this version and eventually you will
be able to upgrade to a supported release of Ubuntu.

Alternatively you may want to consider to reinstall the machine to the
latest version, for more information on this, visit:

For pre-installed system you may want to contact the manufacturer
for instructions.

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ways you can participate at


Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help ensure
that our next release is the best release of Ubuntu ever.  If you feel
that you have found a bug please read:


Then report bugs using apport in Ubuntu.  For example:

  ubuntu-bug linux

will open a bug report in Launchpad regarding the linux package.

If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but 
aren't sure, first try asking on the #ubuntu or #ubuntu-bugs IRC 
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== More Information ==

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对于这种特殊情况,唯一快速、简单、不易出现升级问题、使用更少的带宽并且得到社区支持和新更新的方法是备份您需要的文件,然后继续从 LiveDVD 或 LiveUSB 安装 Ubuntu 14.04.1,删除您之前的所有内容。

您将备份您的文件,并且最新的 14.04.1 将节省更多时间并减少问题。

将 sources.list 文件更改为指向旧文件并开始从 12.10 升级到较新的受支持版本会浪费大量精力。因此,最安全、最简便的方法是直接从 Live 介质安装 14.04.1,并备份所需的所有重要文件。

如果您已经创建了/home分区,那就更好了,只需告诉 14.04.1 安装,您将使用/home已经存在的分区作为/home14.04.1 安装。当它提示如何处理现有的 Ubuntu 安装时(显示覆盖、删除旧 Ubuntu 并安装新 Ubuntu 等的窗口),您可以通过选择手动或高级方式来执行此操作。




sudo cp -v /etc/apt/sources.{list,backup}

更改 sources.list

sudo sed -i 's/us.archive/old-releases/' /etc/apt/sources.list


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


sudo do-release-upgrade
