引导 juju 环境 maas 时出错,crypto/rsa:验证错误

引导 juju 环境 maas 时出错,crypto/rsa:验证错误

我为 maas 启动了 juju 环境。它运行良好,但是,由于网络启动,我的启动节点被格式化了。然后我删除了 juju 并删除了环境目录,然后重新安装了 juju,但它没有出现以下错误。请帮助我,我无法解决这个问题。

2014-09-18 12:12:11 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:11 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:11 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:12 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:13 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:13 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:13 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:14 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:15 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:15 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:15 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:16 DEBUG juju.mongo open.go:101 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "juju-generated CA for environment \"maas\"")
2014-09-18 12:12:16 INFO juju.worker.peergrouper initiate.go:71 finished MaybeInitiateMongoServer
2014-09-18 12:12:16 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:323 cannot initiate replica set: can't dial mongo to initiate replicaset: no reachable servers
ERROR bootstrap failed: subprocess encountered error code 1
Stopping instance...
Bootstrap failed, destroying environment
ERROR subprocess encountered error code 1


如果您删除了$HOME/.juju/包含 juju 生成的所有 SSH 密钥和证书的目录,而没有破坏 juju 环境,那么您将无法再从 juju 访问该环境,因为凭据和密钥已丢失。

我建议使用正确委托的节点(处于“就绪”状态)在 MAAS 上引导新环境。这样,节点将不会设置为 PXE 启动,而是从本地磁盘启动(例如,如果您重新启动它们,它们不会被清除,而是会按预期工作)。


因此,我重新启动了所有服务器,清除了 .juju 目录,但保留了我的 environment.yaml,但仍然收到“TLS 握手失败:x509:由未知机构签名的证书(可能是因为在尝试验证候选机构证书“juju 为环境 \“maas\”生成的 CA”时出现“crypto/rsa:验证错误”)”。

您还需要做什么才能重置?彻底清除 maas 服务器并重新安装?我尝试引导时出现此问题。它启动了已委托的机器,无需 pxe 引导并开始与其通信,然后出现握手失败错误。

好的,我执行了 juju destory-environment,重新启用了我的客户端服务器,并更改了我的 juju 环境名称,这似乎已经解决了这个问题。现在继续下一个。
