


我想要做的就是“删除”字段并将它们放入变量中。它们具有预先定义的长度。我想将文件转换为 SQL 脚本,如下所示:


|          416|CAWNBORE LIMITED                                                                                              |CAWNBORE                 |     8|            0|     0|00.00     |            0|            0|********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |            0|            0|            0|            0|            0|
|          431|MAIN HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                                                         |MAINHOLDINGSCHA          |     8|            0|     0|00.00     |            0|            0|********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******                 |            0|     19650509|            0|            0|            0|
|          432|DUBLIN NORTH CITY MILLING COMPANY LIMITED                                                                     |DUBLINNORTHCITY          |     8|            0|     1|00.00     |     18750125|     19830124|113 PHIBSBORO ROAD                                |DUBLIN                                            |                                                  |                                                  |       216410|     19901106|            0|     20030124|            0|

基本上,剥离管道 - 用逗号分隔数据并插入 SQL 字符串 INSERT INTO .... VALUES( data_in_here comma split );


INSERT INTO tbcrocompany (id_company, nm_company, id_keyword, cd_status, dt_company_status, cd_type, cd_principle_obj, dt_register, dt_last_ar, ad_line_1, ad_line_2, ad_line_3, ad_line_4, cd_town_number, dt_dissolved, dt_bond_expiry, dt_next_ar, dt_last_accounts) VALUES (416,'CAWNBORE LI|MITED','CAWNBORE',8,0,0, '00.00', 0, 0, '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO tbcrocompany (id_company, nm_company, id_keyword, cd_status, dt_company_status, cd_type, cd_principle_obj, dt_register, dt_last_ar, ad_line_1, ad_line_2, ad_line_3, ad_line_4, cd_town_number, dt_dissolved, dt_bond_expiry, dt_next_ar, dt_last_accounts) VALUES (431,'MAIN HOLDIN|GS LIMITED','MAINHOLDINGSCHA',8,0,0, '00.00', 0, 0, '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', '********NO ADDRESS DETAILS*******', 0, 19650509, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO tbcrocompany (id_company, nm_company, id_keyword, cd_status, dt_company_status, cd_type, cd_principle_obj, dt_register, dt_last_ar, ad_line_1, ad_line_2, ad_line_3, ad_line_4, cd_town_number, dt_dissolved, dt_bond_expiry, dt_next_ar, dt_last_accounts) VALUES (432,'DUBLIN NORTH CITY MILLING COMPANY LIMITED','DUBLINNORTHCITY',8,0,1, '00.00', 18750125, 19830124, '113 PHIBSBORO ROAD', 'DUBLIN', '', '', 216410, 19901106, 0, 20030124, 0);



sed -e 's/^ *| *//' -e 's/ *$//' -e 's/ *| */|/g' data |
    while IFS='|' read -r f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
        # INSERT INTO mt (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6) VALUES ( 16524,01,'10/17/2012','3930621977','XXNPUES        ', 'S1');
        echo "INSERT INTO mt (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6) VALUES ($f1,$f2,'$f3','$f4','$f5','$f6');"

第一行删除数据输入中的前导和尾随空格,并丢弃初始的|,从而| 416|CABlah |Somewhere else |变为416|CABlah|Somewhere else|。如果表达式不适合您的用例,则可以修改或完全删除表达式。



如果输入文件的第一行包含字段名称,则此脚本会显着缩短(这在许多 CSV 文件中很常见)。该@types数组仍然需要手动创建,否则脚本无法知道哪些字段是字符串,哪些字段是数字。 OTOH,如果输入文件有这样的第一行,则可以编写脚本以使用Text::CSVDBD::CSV模块。


#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;

my $tablename = 'tbcrocompany';

# field names array.  This will be used later to construct
# the %fields hash, and to print the field names in the 
# INSERT statement.
my @fields = qw(id_company nm_company id_keyword cd_status
    dt_company_status cd_type cd_principle_obj dt_register
    dt_last_ar ad_line_1 ad_line_2 ad_line_3 ad_line_4
    cd_town_number dt_dissolved dt_bond_expiry dt_next_ar

# fields can be string (s) or number (n)
my @types = qw(n s s n n n n n n s s s s n n n n n);

# initialise the field types hash.
my %types=();
my $fieldnum=0;
foreach my $f (@fields) {
    $types{$f} = $types[$fieldnum++];

while (<>) {
    my %fields=();

    # remove leading '|' from line

    # split each input line by '|'
    my @row = split(/\|/);

    # add each element of @row to the appropriate record in the %fields hash
    my $fieldnum=0;
    foreach my $f (@fields) {
        $fields{$f} = $row[$fieldnum++];
        # strip leading and trailing spaces from field value
        $fields{$f} =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;

    # construct the VALUES( ... ) section of the output line,
    # with quotes for string values but not for numbers.
    my @values = ();
    foreach my $f (@fields) {
        if ($types{$f} eq 's') {
            push @values, "'$fields{$f}'"
        } else {
            push @values, $fields{$f}

    # and, finally, output the line.
    print "INSERT INTO $tablename (", join(', ',@fields),
          ") VALUES (", join(", ",@values), ";\n";
