apt-cacher 缓存的软件包在哪里?

apt-cacher 缓存的软件包在哪里?

当您使用 安装某些东西时sudo apt-get install <packageName>,软件包/var/cache/apt/archives默认保存在 中。我已经安装并配置了 apt-cacher。我想知道 apt-cacher 缓存的软件包存储在哪里?它们保存在 中吗/var/cache/apt/archives?如果是,如何更改缓存目录?




man apt-cacher

 Universal Options
       cache_dir [/var/cache/apt-cacher]
              The directory where apt-cacher will store local  copies  of  all
              packages  requested.  This  can  grow to many hundreds of MB, so
              make sure it is on a partition with plenty of  room.  NOTE:  the
              cache directory needs to contain some subdirectories for correct
              storage management.  If you try to create  a  custom  directory,
              please  use  the  script /usr/share/apt-cacher/install.pl or use
              the initially created cache directory as example.
