将 mkv 转换为 ogv

将 mkv 转换为 ogv

如何将 mkv 文件(包含多个音轨)转换为 ogv 格式并保留所有音轨?

是否可以创建具有多条音轨的 ogg 文件(音频)?


在 Linux 中,您有一个通用媒体转换程序,称为avconv(或ffmpeg)。它的基本形式由扩展控制,因此 avconv -i input.mkv output.ogm将进行适当的转换。


-map [-]input_file_id[:stream_specifier][,sync_file_id[:stream_specifier]] | [linklabel] (output)
           Designate one or more input streams as a source for the output file. Each input stream is identified by the input file index input_file_id and
           the input stream index input_stream_id within the input file. Both indices start at 0. If specified, sync_file_id:stream_specifier sets which
           input stream is used as a presentation sync reference.

           The first "-map" option on the command line specifies the source for output stream 0, the second "-map" option specifies the source for output
           stream 1, etc.

           A "-" character before the stream identifier creates a "negative" mapping.  It disables matching streams from already created mappings.

           An alternative [linklabel] form will map outputs from complex filter graphs (see the -filter_complex option) to the output file.  linklabel
           must correspond to a defined output link label in the graph.

           For example, to map ALL streams from the first input file to output

                   avconv -i INPUT -map 0 output

           For example, if you have two audio streams in the first input file, these streams are identified by "0:0" and "0:1". You can use "-map" to
           select which streams to place in an output file. For example:

                   avconv -i INPUT -map 0:1 out.wav

           will map the input stream in INPUT identified by "0:1" to the (single) output stream in out.wav.

           For example, to select the stream with index 2 from input file a.mov (specified by the identifier "0:2"), and stream with index 6 from input
           b.mov (specified by the identifier "1:6"), and copy them to the output file out.mov:

                   avconv -i a.mov -i b.mov -c copy -map 0:2 -map 1:6 out.mov

           To select all video and the third audio stream from an input file:

                   avconv -i INPUT -map 0:v -map 0:a:2 OUTPUT

           To map all the streams except the second audio, use negative mappings

                   avconv -i INPUT -map 0 -map -0:a:1 OUTPUT

           Note that using this option disables the default mappings for this output file.


avconv -i nput.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a output.ogm

是的,您可以在 OGG 文件中存储多个音轨,甚至视频和文本,因为它是一个通用媒体容器。


您可以使用媒体转换器并在转换模式下将 ogg 或 ogv 扩展名放入输出文件(如 audio.ogg)。此外,取消选中视频流上的“启用”,它仅是音频。您可以复制流如果他们被这个容器接受. h264/h265/vp8/vp9 不被 ogg 接受。



  1. 首先使用ffmpeg识别音频流编码。
  2. 然后使用 ffmpeg 提取音频流(原始编码)。
  3. 然后,如果你真的想要,你可以将其重新编码为 ogg。但保留原始音频编码可能最有用。

  4. 首先使用ffmpeg识别音频流编码。

    $ ffmpeg -i $f
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (Main), yuv420p, 640x480 [SAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 1k tbn, 59.94 tbc
    Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, stereo, s16 (default)
  5. 然后使用 ffmpeg 提取音频流(原始编码为 .mka 格式)。

    ffmpeg -i song.mkv -acodec: copy -vn song.mka





将任何 mmv 和 mp4 转换为 mka 音频(保留原始音频编码)的有用脚本:convert_vtoa.sh


for f in *.mkv *.mp4; do 
    # ffmpeg -i $f
    echo -n bn=$bn
    if [[ ! -e "$bn.mka" ]] ; then
        echo ffmpeg -i "$f" -acodec: copy -vn "$bn.mka"
        ffmpeg -i "$f" -acodec: copy -vn "$bn.mka"
        echo "      ##### already done. #####"
