适用于 Ubuntu 的 Rosewill Apollo RK-9100xR 驱动程序

适用于 Ubuntu 的 Rosewill Apollo RK-9100xR 驱动程序

我刚买了一个 Rosewill 机械键盘 (RK-9100xR),它在 Windows 下运行良好,因为它有可用的驱动程序,但我找不到任何适用于 Linux 的驱动程序。我安装了 Ubuntu 14.04,键盘运行正常,但没有 LED 切换(用于 Num Lock 等)。有没有办法找到它的驱动程序并安装它。Rosewill 网站只有适用于 Windows 的驱动程序。



不,看起来这款键盘与 Windows 以外的任何东西都没有任何关系。

如果在他们的网站上没有,我建议给他们发邮件并要求他们提供(例如“我非常喜欢这个键盘,但不得不退货,因为我无法让它在 Ubuntu 上使用”)。如果没有人发邮件,他们永远不会创建一个。

我会从另一个角度来处理这个问题,建议看一下命令xsetxset是配置设置的工具,led选项切换 led)。如果这些有效:

xset  led named "Scroll Lock"
xset -led named "Scroll Lock"


led     The  led  option controls the keyboard LEDs.  This controls the
           turning on or off of one or all of the  LEDs.   It  accepts  an
           optional  integer, a preceding dash(-) or an 'on/off' flag.  If
           no parameter or the 'on' flag is given, all LEDs are turned on.
           If  a  preceding  dash or the flag 'off' is given, all LEDs are
           turned off.  If a value between 1 and 32  is  given,  that  LED
           will  be  turned on or off depending on the existence of a pre‐
           ceding dash.  ``xset led 3'' would turn led #3 on.  ``xset -led
           3''  would turn it off.  The particular LED values may refer to
           different LEDs on different hardware.  If the X server supports
           the  XKEYBOARD  (XKB)  extension, leds may be referenced by the
           XKB indicator name by specifying the `named'  keyword  and  the
           indicator name.   For example, to turn on the Scroll Lock LED:

           xset led named "Scroll Lock"
