Xrandr 在 Cygwin/X 和 Xming 下无法缩放屏幕

Xrandr 在 Cygwin/X 和 Xming 下无法缩放屏幕


我有一个非常具体的远程 X 客户端,需要固定分辨率。 1280x1024,可以说。我的笔记本电脑的分辨率是 1440x900。还有窗户。因此,我们的想法是缩放客户端的输出以适应 900px 的输出。平移不是一个选项。

第一种方法是 Xserver,在 VirtualBox 下运行。但这并没有像我想要的那样工作,VB窗口的缩放只会截断屏幕,并带有滚动条。


-screen 0 640x512

就成功启动了。连接我的 X 客户端,好吧,图像被截断了,但这是预料之中的。我运行 xrandr 来创建显示并得到输出:

$ xrandr
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 0 x 0, current 640 x 512, maximum 32768 x 32768
default connected primary 640x512+0+0 0mm x 0 mm
   640x512        0.00*


$ xrandr --output default --scale 2x2
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  139 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  26 (RRSetCrtcTransform)
  Value in failed request:  0x3e
  Serial number of failed request:  21
  Current serial number in output stream:  22


$ xrandr
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 0 x 0, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 32768 x 32768
default connected primary 1280x1024+0+0 0mm x 0 mm
   1280x1024      0.00*

我尝试了 Xming 和 Cygwin/X,结果相同。 “请求失败的值”不依赖于请求的比例值,并且始终为 0x3e。

如果请求的比例大于 1,则屏幕的新尺寸始终是请求的比例乘以初始尺寸。否则,不会发生任何变化,但错误消息仍然存在。如果新尺寸大于我的客户尺寸,则所有备用像素均为黑色。

我找到了这里 此类 Xserver 输出是由 xf86-video-vesa 和较旧的 nvidia 驱动程序引起的。但我不知道这是否是我的情况,以及如何更改 Xming 或 Cygwin/X 内部驱动程序的某些内容。无论如何,Windows 主机驱动程序已更新。

我还在 Cygwin 中尝试了 x11vnc,并且在 x11vnc 和 vnc 客户端上都可以进行缩放。但这很慢,而且太棘手。

所以问题是关于 xrandr,为什么它不能按预期工作并在手册页中声明?


好吧,我更深入地研究了 RANDR 扩展的来源。我发现的唯一在对 RRSetCrtcTransform 请求的回复中产生 BadValue 的情况是布尔变量的 False 值crtc->转换,这意味着驱动程序转换支持的指标:

     * Set the pending CRTC transformation
    RRCrtcTransformSet(RRCrtcPtr crtc,
                       PictTransformPtr transform,
                       struct pixman_f_transform *f_transform,
                       struct pixman_f_transform *f_inverse,
                       char *filter_name,
                       int filter_len, xFixed * params, int nparams)
        PictFilterPtr filter = NULL;
        int width = 0, height = 0;
        if (!crtc->transforms)
            return BadValue;
        if (filter_len) {
            filter = PictureFindFilter(crtc->pScreen, filter_name, filter_len);
            if (!filter)
                return BadName;
            if (filter->ValidateParams) {
                if (!filter->ValidateParams(crtc->pScreen, filter->id,
                                            params, nparams, &width, &height))
                    return BadMatch;
            else {
                width = filter->width;
                height = filter->height;
        else {
            if (nparams)
                return BadMatch;
        if (!RRTransformSetFilter(&crtc->client_pending_transform,
                                  filter, params, nparams, width, height))
            return BadAlloc;
        crtc->client_pending_transform.transform = *transform;
        crtc->client_pending_transform.f_transform = *f_transform;
        crtc->client_pending_transform.f_inverse = *f_inverse;
        return Success;

修改该值的唯一行是 setter 函数:

     * Set whether transforms are allowed on a CRTC
    RRCrtcSetTransformSupport(RRCrtcPtr crtc, Bool transforms)
        crtc->transforms = transforms;

但它在标头中声明为导出函数,并且没有人在 RANDR srcs 中调用它。

一些进一步的查找显示,该值是在回复 RRGetCrtcTransform 请求时报告的(行回复->hasTransforms = crtc->transforms;):

    ProcRRGetCrtcTransform(ClientPtr client)
        xRRGetCrtcTransformReply *reply;
        RRCrtcPtr crtc;
        int nextra;
        RRTransformPtr current, pending;
        char *extra;
        VERIFY_RR_CRTC(stuff->crtc, crtc, DixReadAccess);
        pending = &crtc->client_pending_transform;
        current = &crtc->client_current_transform;
        nextra = (transform_filter_length(pending) +
        reply = calloc(1, sizeof(xRRGetCrtcTransformReply) + nextra);
        if (!reply)
            return BadAlloc;
        extra = (char *) (reply + 1);
        reply->type = X_Reply;
        reply->sequenceNumber = client->sequence;
        reply->length = bytes_to_int32(CrtcTransformExtra + nextra);
        reply->hasTransforms = crtc->transforms;
        transform_encode(client, &reply->pendingTransform, &pending->transform);
        extra += transform_filter_encode(client, extra,
                                         &reply->pendingNparamsFilter, pending);
        transform_encode(client, &reply->currentTransform, &current->transform);
        extra += transform_filter_encode(client, extra,
                                         &reply->currentNparamsFilter, current);
        if (client->swapped) {
        WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xRRGetCrtcTransformReply) + nextra, reply);
        return Success;

但请求本身是由 XRRGetCrtcTransform 客户端函数生成的,无法从其输出中获取有关扩展支持的信息。该函数只是忽略该值(代表.hasTransforms)在回复中:

    XRRGetCrtcTransform (Display    *dpy,
                 RRCrtc crtc,
                 XRRCrtcTransformAttributes **attributes)
        XExtDisplayInfo     *info = XRRFindDisplay(dpy);
        xRRGetCrtcTransformReply    rep;
        xRRGetCrtcTransformReq  *req;
        int             major_version, minor_version;
        XRRCrtcTransformAttributes  *attr;
        char            *extra = NULL, *e;
        int             p;
        *attributes = NULL;
        RRCheckExtension (dpy, info, False);
        if (!XRRQueryVersion (dpy, &major_version, &minor_version) ||
        !_XRRHasTransform (major_version, minor_version))
        /* For pre-1.3 servers, just report identity matrices everywhere */
        rep.pendingTransform = identity;
        rep.pendingNbytesFilter = 0;
        rep.pendingNparamsFilter = 0;
        rep.currentTransform = identity;
        rep.currentNbytesFilter = 0;
        rep.currentNparamsFilter = 0;
        LockDisplay (dpy);
        GetReq (RRGetCrtcTransform, req);
        req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
        req->randrReqType = X_RRGetCrtcTransform;
        req->crtc = crtc;
        if (!_XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &rep, CrtcTransformExtra >> 2, xFalse))
            rep.pendingTransform = identity;
            rep.pendingNbytesFilter = 0;
            rep.pendingNparamsFilter = 0;
            rep.currentTransform = identity;
            rep.currentNbytesFilter = 0;
            rep.currentNparamsFilter = 0;
            int extraBytes = rep.length * 4 - CrtcTransformExtra;
            extra = Xmalloc (extraBytes);
            if (!extra) {
            _XEatDataWords (dpy, rep.length - (CrtcTransformExtra >> 2));
            UnlockDisplay (dpy);
            SyncHandle ();
            return False;
            _XRead (dpy, extra, extraBytes);
        UnlockDisplay (dpy);
        SyncHandle ();
        attr = Xmalloc (sizeof (XRRCrtcTransformAttributes) +
                rep.pendingNparamsFilter * sizeof (XFixed) +
                rep.currentNparamsFilter * sizeof (XFixed) +
                rep.pendingNbytesFilter + 1 +
                rep.currentNbytesFilter + 1);
        if (!attr) {
        XFree (extra);
        return False;
        XTransform_from_xRenderTransform (&attr->pendingTransform, &rep.pendingTransform);
        XTransform_from_xRenderTransform (&attr->currentTransform, &rep.currentTransform);
        attr->pendingParams = (XFixed *) (attr + 1);
        attr->currentParams = attr->pendingParams + rep.pendingNparamsFilter;
        attr->pendingFilter = (char *) (attr->currentParams + rep.currentNparamsFilter);
        attr->currentFilter = attr->pendingFilter + rep.pendingNbytesFilter + 1;
        e = extra;
        memcpy (attr->pendingFilter, e, rep.pendingNbytesFilter);
        attr->pendingFilter[rep.pendingNbytesFilter] = '\0';
        e += (rep.pendingNbytesFilter + 3) & ~3;
        for (p = 0; p < rep.pendingNparamsFilter; p++) {
        INT32   f;
        memcpy (&f, e, 4);
        e += 4;
        attr->pendingParams[p] = (XFixed) f;
        attr->pendingNparams = rep.pendingNparamsFilter;
        memcpy (attr->currentFilter, e, rep.currentNbytesFilter);
        attr->currentFilter[rep.currentNbytesFilter] = '\0';
        e += (rep.currentNbytesFilter + 3) & ~3;
        for (p = 0; p < rep.currentNparamsFilter; p++) {
        INT32   f;
        memcpy (&f, e, 4);
        e += 4;
        attr->currentParams[p] = (XFixed) f;
        attr->currentNparams = rep.currentNparamsFilter;
        if (extra)
        XFree (extra);
        *attributes = attr;
        return True;


  • Cygwin 或 Xming 内的 X 服务器驱动程序不支持转换;
  • 尽管服务器端发送了此类信息,但无法使用 XRandr 客户端 API 获取此信息(是否应将其视为缺陷?)




建议的解决方案:我会回到 VirtualBox。我可能也必须这样做。

评论:cygwin 上的 xrandr 有任何解决方案吗?

对于 3000x2000 高 dpi 屏幕,旧的 UNIX 应用程序无法使用。我什至尝试过Windows中的放大镜工具,但它很糟糕。

是否有支持应用程序扩展的 Windows 商业 x 服务器?我还没找到。
