无法将应用程序从 Ubuntu SDK 部署到手机

无法将应用程序从 Ubuntu SDK 部署到手机

我尝试在 Nexus 4 上运行带有简单 UI 模板的应用程序,但收到了这些警告


warning: desktop_Exec (app): found unexpected Exec with architecture 'all': ./qtc_device_debughelper.py
warning: security_policy_groups_safe_app (debug): (REJECT) reserved policy group 'debug': not for production use
The debug policy group is automatically injected and should only be used for development. To create a package for the store use the publish tab!


Sdk-Launcher> Installing the application failed
Warning: Permanently added '[]:10000' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Sdk-Launcher> Executing:     /tmp/com.ubuntu.developer.username.helloworldtest_0.1_all.click
Sdk-Launcher> Force Install: False
Sdk-Launcher> Skip Uninstall:False
Sdk-Launcher> Launcher PID: 3831
Sdk-Launcher> Installing application .....
Failed to parse command line: Unknown option --allow-untrusted
Sdk-Launcher> Installing the application failed

我在 Nexus 4 上安装了 trusty 建议,并创建了一个 armhf 14.04 套件。SDK 似乎确实可以从选项、设备下正确检测到设备。



刚刚在 Nexus 4 上安装了 14.10,并制作了一个 14.10 套件。helloworld 应用程序运行没有任何问题,这可能是 14.04 特有的问题吗?


首先确保 USB 电缆工作正常,然后尝试直接连接,无需使用 USB HUB。

然后在 Ubuntu Touch 上转到SettingsAbout this phone。然后一直到底部Developer Mode,根据你的喜好设置Lock security,然后打开 Developer Mode
