如果通过 Ubuntu Make 安装 Android Studio,如何卸载它

如果通过 Ubuntu Make 安装 Android Studio,如何卸载它

我已经使用以下方式安装了 Android StudioUbuntu 制作。现在我想卸载它。



$ umake
usage: umake [--help] [-v] [-r] {dart,web,android,games,ide,go} ...

Deploy and setup developers environment easily on ubuntu

positional arguments:
                        Developer environment
    dart                Dartlang Development Environment
    web                 Web Developer Environment
    android             Android Development Environment
    games               Games Development Environment
    ide                 Generic IDEs
    go                  Go language

optional arguments:
  --help                Show this help
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity (2 levels)
  -r, --remove          Remove specified framework if installed

Note that you can also configure different debug logs behaviors using LOG_CFG
pointing to a log yaml profile.


$ umake android android-studio --remove
