Google Chrome 中有关 Netflix 的终端错误

Google Chrome 中有关 Netflix 的终端错误

我在 Netflix 上观看了几部影片,这是终端向我提供的报告:

$ google-chrome-stable
[6666:6666:1013/] Not implemented reached in virtual void     BackgroundModeManager::EnableLaunchOnStartup(bool)
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
[6666:6700:1013/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
Vector smash protection is enabled.
[WARNING:flash/platform/pepper/pep_module.cpp(63)] SANDBOXED
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
Vector smash protection is enabled.
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] Closing stream with result -100
[6666:6700:1013/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)



验证您的 Chrome 版本中是否安装了所需的 Widevine 和 Pepper Flash (PPAPI) 模块。Google Chrome -> 地址栏:chrome://plugins

两个必需的模块都应该可见:Widevine 内容解密模块 Adob​​e Flash Player 版本这应该是 PPAPI 版本 11.7 或更高版本。

此外,如果你经常使用 nexflix,我建议你研究一下适用于 ubuntu 的 nexflix 应用程序。Sudo apt-get netflix-desktop

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio

sudo apt-get 更新

sudo apt-get 安装 netflix-desktop
