如何设置多个同时访问 x11vnc 会话

如何设置多个同时访问 x11vnc 会话

我在计算机上设置了一个 x11vnc 服务器,我可以通过远程桌面客户端毫无问题地访问它。但我一次只能访问一个(即在我的笔记本电脑上,但不能同时在我的笔记本电脑和平板电脑上访问)。

为此,当我启动 vncserver 时是否需要传递一个开关,或者这只是我错过的 x11vnc 的限制?


man x11vnc


          VNC  display is shared, i.e. more than one viewer can connect at
          the same time (default off).


          Exit after the first successfully connected viewer  disconnects,
          opposite of -forever. This is the Default.


          Keep  listening for more connections rather than exiting as soon
          as the first client(s) disconnect. Same as -many

所以你可能想要-shared -forever
