VMware 引导时出错

VMware 引导时出错

我正在尝试引导 VMware 控制器。我的 Juju 版本是 2.2.2-xenial-amd64。云和凭据属性似乎是正确的。一切似乎都还好,直到引导过程尝试连接控制器。从我浏览 GO 代码看到的情况来看,它尝试联系 API,但失败了。请参阅下面的输出...

root@gregoryjuju:~/.local/share/juju# juju bootstrap --config ~/.juju/config --model-default ~/.juju/config ilabt ilabtctrl
Creating Juju controller "ilabtctrl" on ilabt/ILABT Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.2.2 for amd64 Launching controller instance(s) on ilabt/ILABT...
 - downloading http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/server/releases/xenial/release-20170815.1/ubuntu-16.04-server-clo
 - juju-386170-0 (arch=amd64 mem=3.5G) mg.vmdk: 99.05% (27.8MiB/s) 
Fetching Juju GUI 2.8.0 
Waiting for address 
Attempting to connect to 
Attempting to connect to fe80::250:56ff:feb1:3f32:22 
Bootstrap agent now started 
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility... 
ERROR unable to contact api server after 1 attempts: unable to connect to API: Forbidden

我能够从我正在引导控制器的同一台机器联系 GUI(telnet 17070)。



09:56:03 DEBUG juju.api apiclient.go:842 error dialing websocket: Forbidden
09:56:03 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:492 unable to contact api server after 1 attempts: unable to connect to API: Forbidden
09:56:03 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:493 (error details: [{github.com/juju/juju/cmd/juju/common/controller.go:115: unable to contact api server after 1 attempts} {github.com/juju/juju/cmd/juju/common/controller.go:39: } {github.com/juju/juju/juju/api.go:72: } {github.com/juju/juju/api/apiclient.go:196: } {github.com/juju/juju/api/apiclient.go:615: } {github.com/juju/juju/api/apiclient.go:739: } {github.com/juju/juju/api/apiclient.go:843: unable to connect to API} {github.com/juju/juju/api/apiclient.go:867: } {Forbidden}])
