在 AWS 实例上压缩文件夹会创建重复项

在 AWS 实例上压缩文件夹会创建重复项



我使用此命令压缩所有内容,包括 htaccess 等隐藏文件

zip -r yourfile.zip * .*

它会生成一个压缩文件,其中包含 Web 应用程序文件和文件夹,以及一个名为 current 的文件夹,其中包含 Web 应用程序文件和文件夹的另一个副本。

如何压缩包括隐藏文件在内的 Web 应用程序文件和文件夹,而不将名为“current”的目录作为重复文件包含进去。


您可能无法使用.*,因为该 shell glob 也将匹配...(当前和父目录),从而导致您描述的行为。

但无论如何这不是必需的,您可以单独使用该zip -r选项。让我引用手册页man zip

          Travel the directory structure recursively; for example:

                 zip -r foo.zip foo

          or more concisely

                 zip -r foo foo

          In this case, all the files and directories in foo are saved  in
          a zip archive named foo.zip, including files with names starting
          with ".", since the recursion does not use the shell's file-name
          substitution  mechanism.  If you wish to include only a specific
          subset of the files in directory foo and its subdirectories, use
          the  -i  option  to specify the pattern of files to be included.
          You should not use -r with the name  ".*",  since  that  matches
          ".."   which will attempt to zip up the parent directory (proba‐
          bly not what was intended).

          Multiple source directories are allowed as in

                 zip -r foo foo1 foo2

          which first zips up foo1 and then foo2, going down  each  direc‐



zip -r yourfile.zip /var/app/current


zip -r yourfile.zip .
