LinuxMint MATE 18.3(Sylvia)-> Ubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS

LinuxMint MATE 18.3(Sylvia)-> Ubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS

我已经安装了 Linux Mint,现在我想将其更改为 Ubuntu,但是上面有很多应用程序和信息。

有没有办法在不丢失数据的情况下恢复 Ubuntu?或者如何备份我的信息和应用程序,然后安装全新的 Ubuntu 并将备份复制到上面?




LinuxMint MATE 18.3(Sylvia)-> Ubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS

我已经安装了 LinuxMint MATE 18.3 (Sylvia)。我问了自己一个问题 - 是否可以将其转换为普通的 Ubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS 而无需重新安装?


cat > << \EOF
LC_ALL=C dpkg-query --showformat='${Package}:${Status}\n' -W '*' | \
fgrep ':install ok installed' | cut -d: -f1 | \
(while read pkg; do inst_version=$(apt-cache policy $pkg \
| fgrep Installed: \
| awk '{ print $2 }'); origin=$(apt-cache policy "$pkg" \
| fgrep " *** ${inst_version}" -C1 \
| tail -n 1 \
| cut -c12-); echo $pkg $origin; done)

然后运行它来查找 Mint 包并将其删除:

sh | grep > mint-packages-all.txt

cat mint-packages-all.txt | grep -v "E:" | grep -v ^bash | grep -v ^base-files | grep -v ^mintsources | grep -v grub > mint-packages-remove.txt

sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude purge $(cat mint-packages-remove.txt | awk '{print $1}')

sudo sed -i 's/^deb http:\/\/ http:\/\/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-package-repositories.pref

然后重新启动并启动 Aptitude sudo aptitude


sh | grep /var

因此我重新安装了这里列出的两个包 -bash以及base-files来自终端的 xenial-updates 存储库:

sudo apt-get install bash=4.3-14ubuntu1.2 base-files=9.4ubuntu4.7


sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | tail -n +6 | awk '{print $2}')
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic
sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.10.0-*-generic linux-headers-4.10.0-*-generic
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

从主目录中删除 Mint 文件:

rm -rf ~/.linuxmint/


sudo apt-get install debsums
sudo debsums_init
sudo debsums -a -c # carefully check all files listed here with `dpkg -S filepath`

sudo apt-get install --reinstall cups-filters gnome-accessibility-themes im-config imagemagick sound-theme-freedesktop imagemagick-6.q16 libreoffice-draw libreoffice-math gnome-colors-common vino gnome-orca
sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask" install --reinstall acpid libcompizconfig0 mate-menus systemd xdg-user-dirs-gtk vino # select Y

然后我检查了系统中不是来自 Ubuntu 存储库的文件:

sudo find /bin /etc /lib /lib64 /opt /sbin /srv /usr /var -type f -exec dpkg -S {} \; 2> ~/Desktop/results.out


sudo rm -rf /etc/linuxmint
sudo rm /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oneconf/distributor/LinuxMint.pyc

最后安装 Ubuntu MATE 桌面:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop^

重新启动后,Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 LTS 几乎恢复正常了:)

LinuxMint MATE 19(Tara)-> Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS

警告:此方法未经测试。基于上述 18.3 -> 16.04 LTS。


cat > << \EOF
LC_ALL=C dpkg-query --showformat='${Package}:${Status}\n' -W '*' | \
fgrep ':install ok installed' | cut -d: -f1 | \
(while read pkg; do inst_version=$(apt-cache policy $pkg \
| fgrep Installed: \
| awk '{ print $2 }'); origin=$(apt-cache policy "$pkg" \
| fgrep " *** ${inst_version}" -C1 \
| tail -n 1 \
| cut -c12-); echo $pkg $origin; done)

找到 Mint 包并删除它们:

sh | grep > mint-packages-all.txt

cat mint-packages-all.txt | grep -v "E:" | grep -v ^bash | grep -v ^base-files | grep -v ^mintsources | grep -v grub > mint-packages-remove.txt

sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude purge $(cat mint-packages-remove.txt | awk '{print $1}')

sudo sed -i 's/^deb http:\/\/ http:\/\/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-package-repositories.pref

使用以下命令启动 Aptitude sudo aptitude


sh | grep /var

重新安装这里列出的两个(可能更多!)软件包 -bash以及base-files来自终端的 bionic-updates 存储库:

sudo apt-get install bash=4.4.18-2ubuntu1 base-files=10.1ubuntu2.1 desktop-file-utils=0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04


sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | tail -n +6 | awk '{print $2}')
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

从主目录中删除 Mint 文件:

rm -rf ~/.linuxmint/


sudo apt-get install debsums
sudo debsums_init
sudo debsums -a -c # carefully check all files listed here with `dpkg -S filepath`

sudo apt-get install --reinstall caja casper compton cups-filters engrampa gnome-icon-theme gnome-accessibility-themes im-config imagemagick libgs9 mate-desktop mate-icon-theme mate-screensaver mate-screensaver-common mate-system-monitor mate-utils openjdk-11-jre sound-theme-freedesktop imagemagick-6.q16 libreoffice-draw libreoffice-math gnome-colors-common vino gnome-orca
sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask" install --reinstall acpid libcompizconfig0 mate-menus systemd xdg-user-dirs-gtk vino # select Y

然后检查系统中是否存在不是来自 Ubuntu 存储库的文件:

sudo find /bin /etc /lib /lib64 /opt /sbin /srv /usr /var -type f -exec dpkg -S {} \; 2> ~/Desktop/results.out


sudo rm -rf /etc/linuxmint
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/linuxmint
sudo rm /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oneconf/distributor/LinuxMint.pyc

最后安装 Ubuntu MATE 桌面:

sudo apt-get install lightdm-gtk-greeter ubuntu-mate-lightdm-theme ubuntu-mate-themes ubuntu-mate-wallpapers* ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-default-settings ubuntu-mate-artwork ubuntu-mate-icon-themes plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-logo plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-text grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate mate-tweak ubuntu-mate-guide caja-eiciel compiz-mate eom mate-accessibility-profiles mate-applet-appmenu mate-applet-brisk-menu mate-calc mate-dock-applet mate-hud mate-menu mate-netbook mate-optimus mate-user-guide mate-window-applets-common mate-window-buttons-applet mate-window-menu-applet mate-window-title-applet folder-color-caja deja-dup-caja gsettings-ubuntu-schemas indicator-messages indicator-power indicator-session indicator-sound brasero shotwell simple-scan smbclient ubuntu-standard vlc gdebi gdebi-core plank seahorse tilda sessioninstaller

将 MATE 桌面设置重置为默认值:

dconf reset -f /org/mate
gsettings set org.mate.panel default-layout "'default'"

以 Snaps 形式安装 MATE Welcome 和 Software Boutique:

snap install software-boutique --classic
snap install ubuntu-mate-welcome --classic

重新启动后,Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS 几乎恢复正常:)

LinuxMint MATE 20(Ulyana)-> Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04 LTS


cat > << \EOF
LC_ALL=C dpkg-query --showformat='${Package}:${Status}\n' -W '*' | \
fgrep ':install ok installed' | cut -d: -f1 | \
(while read pkg; do inst_version=$(apt-cache policy $pkg \
| fgrep Installed: \
| awk '{ print $2 }'); origin=$(apt-cache policy "$pkg" \
| fgrep " *** ${inst_version}" -C1 \
| tail -n 1 \
| cut -c12-); echo $pkg $origin; done)

找到 Mint 包并删除它们:

sh | grep > mint-packages-all.txt

cat mint-packages-all.txt | grep -v "E:" | grep -v ^bash | grep -v ^base-files | grep -v ^mintsources | grep -v grub > mint-packages-remove.txt

sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude purge $(cat mint-packages-remove.txt | awk '{print $1}')

sudo sed -i 's/^deb http:\/\/ http:\/\/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/official-package-repositories.pref

使用以下命令启动 Aptitude sudo aptitude


sh | grep /var

重新安装这里列出的两个(可能更多!)软件包 -bash以及base-files来自终端的 focal-updates 存储库:

sudo apt-get install base-files=11ubuntu5 xapps-common=1.6.10-2


sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | tail -n +6 | awk '{print $2}')
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

从主目录中删除 Mint 文件:

rm -rf ~/.linuxmint/


sudo apt-get install debsums
sudo debsums_init
sudo debsums -a -c # carefully check all files listed here with `dpkg -S filepath`

sudo apt-get install --reinstall caja casper compton cups-filters engrampa gnome-icon-theme gnome-accessibility-themes im-config imagemagick libgs9 mate-desktop mate-icon-theme mate-screensaver mate-screensaver-common mate-system-monitor mate-utils openjdk-11-jre sound-theme-freedesktop imagemagick-6.q16 libreoffice-draw libreoffice-math gnome-colors-common vino gnome-orca adwaita-icon-theme-full info
sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask" install --reinstall acpid libcompizconfig0 mate-menus systemd xdg-user-dirs-gtk vino casper # select Y

然后检查系统中是否存在不是来自 Ubuntu 存储库的文件:

sudo find /bin /etc /lib /lib64 /opt /sbin /srv /usr /var -type f -exec dpkg -S {} \; 2> ~/Desktop/results.out


sudo rm -rf /etc/linuxmint
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/linuxmint
sudo rm /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/__pycache__/mintreport.cpython-38.pyc

最后在首次登录时安装 Ubuntu MATE 桌面:

sudo apt-get install lightdm-gtk-greeter ubuntu-mate-lightdm-theme ubuntu-mate-themes ubuntu-mate-wallpapers* ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-default-settings ubuntu-mate-artwork ubuntu-mate-icon-themes plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-logo plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-text grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate mate-tweak ubuntu-mate-guide caja-eiciel compiz-mate eom mate-accessibility-profiles mate-applet-appmenu mate-applet-brisk-menu mate-calc mate-dock-applet mate-hud mate-menu mate-netbook mate-optimus mate-user-guide mate-window-applets-common mate-window-buttons-applet mate-window-menu-applet mate-window-title-applet folder-color-caja deja-dup-caja gsettings-ubuntu-schemas indicator-messages indicator-power indicator-session indicator-sound brasero shotwell simple-scan smbclient ubuntu-standard vlc gdebi gdebi-core plank seahorse tilda

将 MATE 桌面设置重置为默认值:

dconf reset -f /org/mate
gsettings set org.mate.panel default-layout "'default'"

以 Snaps 形式安装 MATE Welcome 和 Software Boutique:

sudo snap install software-boutique --classic
sudo snap install ubuntu-mate-welcome --classic

重新启动后,Ubuntu Focal 20.04 LTS 几乎恢复正常:)


1)将您的应用程序备份到外部驱动器,以文本文件的形式列出,以便稍后使用,然后按照此方法当要在 Ubuntu 上恢复它们​​时。

2)使用 rsync 或类似 GUI 工具将数据备份到外部驱动器Grsync命令。

3) 将您的主目录备份到外部驱动器(再次使用rsync)。在 Ubuntu 上恢复会更加棘手,因为您需要在安装 Ubuntu 后找到 UUID 并确保它正确输入到文件中fstab,否则它不会在启动时挂载。

4) 您还可以备份所有 Debian 存储库。我知道 Mint 使用与 Ubuntu 相同的存储库(Canonical 除外)。这些将在 中恢复/etc/apt folder

5) 从 Live UFD 安装 Ubuntu,创建主分区、交换分区和根分区。将主文件夹内容恢复到新建的主分区,并检查 fstab 中的 UUID 配置(如 3 所示)。您可能需要为其创建一个新条目。按照 1 - 2 中的方法恢复应用程序和数据文件。


我成功执行了与 @N0rbert 描述的步骤类似的步骤。在我的例子中,将 Mint 18.3 转换为 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,过程大致如下:

  1. 我注释掉了packages.linuxmint.comrepo/etc/apt/preferences.d/official-package-repositories.pref

  2. apt update && apt upgrade

  3. apt remove --purge *mint*,确认是否抱怨删除mintsystemsynaptic

  4. 我确实安装了apt install bash=4.3-14ubuntu* base-files=9.4ubuntu*

  5. 此时lsb_release -a应该已经显示 Ubuntu。删除mintsystem可能已失败,请执行以下操作:

    update-rc.d -f mintsystem remove
    rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/mintsystem.postinst
    rm -rf ~/.linuxmint/
    sudo rm -rf /etc/linuxmint
    sudo rm /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oneconf/distributor/LinuxMint.pyc
    dpkg --purge mintsystem
  6. 然后升级到下一个 Ubuntu 版本apt install update-manager-core

  7. 现在,您可以使用 来检查更新do-release-upgrade -c,并使用 来更新do-release-upgrade。更新程序应该会修复所有遗留的问题。对我来说,它运行良好,但在升级之前,我还删除了所有我能找到的与桌面环境相关的内容,因为我想将其转换为服务器专用的机器。

