修复 mdadm 软件 RAID 阵列上损坏的 GPT

修复 mdadm 软件 RAID 阵列上损坏的 GPT

我有一个包含两个成员磁盘的 RAID 阵列设置sdasdb

我正在mdadm与 Intel RSTe 一起使用(出于操作系统兼容性目的)。


sgdisk -v /dev/md126
Warning! Disk size is smaller than the main header indicates! Loading
secondary header from the last sector of the disk! You should use 'v' to
verify disk integrity, and perhaps options on the experts' menu to repair
the disk.
Caution: invalid backup GPT header, but valid main header; regenerating
backup header from main header.

Warning! One or more CRCs don't match. You should repair the disk!

Caution: Found protective or hybrid MBR and corrupt GPT. Using GPT, but disk
verification and recovery are STRONGLY recommended.

Caution: The CRC for the backup partition table is invalid. This table may
be corrupt. This program will automatically create a new backup partition
table when you save your partitions.

Problem: The secondary header's self-pointer indicates that it doesn't reside
at the end of the disk. If you've added a disk to a RAID array, use the 'e'
option on the experts' menu to adjust the secondary header's and partition
table's locations.

Problem: Disk is too small to hold all the data!
(Disk size is 950198272 sectors, needs to be 950198536 sectors.)
The 'e' option on the experts' menu may fix this problem.

Problem: GPT claims the disk is larger than it is! (Claimed last usable
sector is 950198502, but backup header is at
950198535 and disk size is 950198272 sectors.
The 'e' option on the experts' menu will probably fix this problem

Partition(s) in the protective MBR are too big for the disk! Creating a
fresh protective or hybrid MBR is recommended.

Identified 5 problems!

当仅查看单个磁盘(例如 /dev/sd[a,b])时,只会出现一个问题:

sgdisk -v /dev/sdb
Problem: The secondary header's self-pointer indicates that it doesn't reside
at the end of the disk. If you've added a disk to a RAID array, use the 'e'
option on the experts' menu to adjust the secondary header's and partition
table's locations.

Identified 1 problems!

我的问题是我应该如何应用推荐的修复(重建备份 GPT 标头)?例如,我应该进入“恢复和转换选项”并选择“从磁盘加载主分区表(重建备份)”/dev/md126还是/dev/sda单独/dev/sdb选择?


