在 Ubuntu 16.04 上安装 BlackHat 与 Anaconda 冲突

在 Ubuntu 16.04 上安装 BlackHat 与 Anaconda 冲突

我试图安装 BlackHat在 Ubuntu 16.04 上。

我对 qd 没有问题,但我无法配置 BlackHat。


Could not link test program to Python. Maybe the main Python library has been
installed in some non-standard library path. If so, pass it to configure,
via the LDFLAGS environment variable.
Example: ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/non-standard-path/python/lib"
You probably have to install the development version of the Python package
for your distribution.  The exact name of this package varies among them.


sudo apt-get install python-dev


供参考,我使用 Anaconda 的 Python,错误之前的结果是

checking for python... /home/users/anaconda3/bin/python
checking for a version of Python >= '2.1.0'... yes
checking for the distutils Python package... yes
checking for Python include path... -I/home/users/anaconda3/include/python3.6m
checking for Python library path... -L/home/users/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/config -lpython3.6
checking for Python site-packages path... /home/users/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages
