


lookup:unknown flag "-f" 


lookup -f test.txt<test1.txt>test11.txt.

如果我不使用该标志,则会出现ioctl TCGETA错误。我在 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 和 16.04 LTS 上遇到了同样的错误。



man lookup

The following flags are supported:

      Reports a short help message and exits.

   -write  Creates index files for the named files and exits. No
      startup file is read.

      Sets the input and output encoding method to EUC (currently the default).  Exactly the same as the¡Èencoding euc¡Écommand.

      Sets the input and output encoding method to JIS.  Exactly the same as the¡Èencoding jis¡Écommand.

      Sets the input and output encoding method to Shift-JIS.  Exactly the same as the¡Èencoding sjis¡Écommand.

   -v -version
      Prints the version string and exits.

      Indicates that the startup file should not be read.

   -rc file
      The named file is used as the startup file, rather than the default¡È~/.lookup¡É.  It is an error for the file not to exist.

   -percent num
      When an index is built, letters that appear on more than num percent (default 50) of the lines are elided from the index.  The thought is  that  if  a  search
      will  have to check most of the lines in a file anyway, one may as well save the large amount of space in the index file needed to represent that information,
      and the time/space tradeoff shifts, as the indexing of oft-occurring letters provides a diminishing return.

      Smaller indexes can be made by using a smaller number.

      Indicates that any files loaded via the command line should not be loaded with any precomputed index, but recalculated on the fly

      Has metric tons of stats spewed whenever an index is created.

   -port ###
      For the (undocumented) server configuration only, tells which port to listen on.

