Ubuntu Server 19.10 Grub 安装失败

Ubuntu Server 19.10 Grub 安装失败

我刚刚下载了 19.10。将其转换为 USB 可启动闪存。我正在 SD 驱动器上重新安装,该驱动器上已经有 Kali 和 Windows 10 双启动,运行良好。现在,在尝试重新格式化 Kali ext4 驱动器并重新安装可启动驱动器以将其设置为 Ubuntu 和 Windows 10 可启动双启动后。我收到以下错误,导致安装失败。我们该如何解决这个问题?

grub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..
grub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.
