Canon LBP6030W:打印仍在进行中,但没有排队的作业

Canon LBP6030W:打印仍在进行中,但没有排队的作业

- 我通过 wifi 打印了一份 20 多页的文档。打印到一半时,我的打印机没纸了。然后,我查看了设备 > 打印机,发现沒有活跃的工作。
- 与此同时,打印机上的缺纸指示灯仍在闪烁。按一下指示灯即可恢复打印,正如我所料。
- 如何取消打印作业已完成一半但“设备”>“打印机”中没有列出作业?
- 当我发送打印订单时,我确实看到打印机收到了作业(在设备>打印机中)。但它只显示了大约 3 秒钟,然后又变回“没有活动作业”。
-lprm返回lprm: No active jobs on (my printer name)
- sudo service cups restart:没有任何变化。-
localhost:631 / jobs 显示所有作业都已完成
Thinkpad L390,双启动 Windows 10 1909 和 Ubuntu 19.10


service cups status

● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled; vendor preset: ena
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-03-02 11:55:00 +07; 17min ago
     Docs: man:cupsd(8)
 Main PID: 1044 (cupsd)
    Tasks: 5 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 9.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
           ├─1044 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
           ├─1178 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
           ├─1179 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
           ├─1180 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
           └─1181 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://

Mar 02 11:55:00 Thinkpad-L390-LS systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.

ps -fu lp

ID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
lp        1178  1044  0 11:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus
lp        1179  1044  0 11:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus
lp        1180  1044  0 11:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus
lp        1181  1044  0 11:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus

lpstat -t

scheduler is running
system default destination: Canon-LBP6030-6040-6018L
device for Canon-LBP6030-6040-6018L: socket://
Canon-LBP6030-6040-6018L accepting requests since Mon 02 Mar 2020 09:18:25 +07
printer Canon-LBP6030-6040-6018L is idle.  enabled since Mon 02 Mar 2020 09:18:25 +07


E [01/Mar/2020:23:15:27 +0700] [Client 54] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/LBP6030w-6018w) from localhost.
E [01/Mar/2020:23:17:14 +0700] [Client 9] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/LBP6030w-6018w) from localhost.
W [01/Mar/2020:23:28:00 +0700] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'LBP6030w-6018w-Gray..\' already exists
E [01/Mar/2020:23:40:39 +0700] [Client 32] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/LBP6030w-6018w) from localhost.
W [01/Mar/2020:23:55:06 +0700] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'LBP6030-6040-6018L-Gray..\' already exists
E [02/Mar/2020:00:01:44 +0700] [Client 110] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/5) from localhost.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:01:51 +0700] [Client 112] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/4) from localhost.
W [02/Mar/2020:00:03:19 +0700] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'LBP6030-6040-6018L-Gray..\' already exists
E [02/Mar/2020:00:17:30 +0700] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:17:53 +0700] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
X [02/Mar/2020:00:18:11 +0700] No valid Listen or Port lines were found in the configuration file.
X [02/Mar/2020:00:18:11 +0700] No valid Listen or Port lines were found in the configuration file.
X [02/Mar/2020:00:18:11 +0700] No valid Listen or Port lines were found in the configuration file.
X [02/Mar/2020:00:18:11 +0700] No valid Listen or Port lines were found in the configuration file.
X [02/Mar/2020:00:18:11 +0700] No valid Listen or Port lines were found in the configuration file.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:26:18 +0700] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:27:43 +0700] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:32:03 +0700] [Client 17] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/LBP6030-6040-6018L) from localhost.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:43:32 +0700] [Job 18] The printer is not responding.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:44:02 +0700] [Job 18] The printer is not responding.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:44:32 +0700] [Job 18] The printer is not responding.
E [02/Mar/2020:00:45:59 +0700] [Client 242] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "[v1.::1]:631".
E [02/Mar/2020:00:45:59 +0700] [Job 16] Unable to queue job for destination "LBP6030-6040-6018L".
E [02/Mar/2020:08:34:35 +0700] [Job 16] Files have gone away.
E [02/Mar/2020:09:18:31 +0700] [Client 56] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/20) from localhost.
E [02/Mar/2020:09:20:01 +0700] [Client 61] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/20) from localhost.
E [02/Mar/2020:09:34:21 +0700] [Client 65] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon-LBP6030-6040-6018L) from localhost.
E [02/Mar/2020:09:35:30 +0700] [Client 66] Returning IPP client-error-not-possible for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/Canon-LBP6030-6040-6018L) from localhost.
W [02/Mar/2020:10:54:17 +0700] Notifier for subscription 181 (dbus://) went away, retrying!
W [02/Mar/2020:10:54:17 +0700] Notifier for subscription 183 (dbus://) went away, retrying!
W [02/Mar/2020:10:54:17 +0700] Notifier for subscription 187 (dbus://) went away, retrying!
