Jenkins 的 Ubuntu 用户访问权限

Jenkins 的 Ubuntu 用户访问权限

我在 Ubuntu 上有两个用户,一个是用户:kmb,另一个是用户:dev,其中用户 kmb 安装了 Qt、Qt for webassembly 和 Jenkins 服务器,而 dev 中没有安装任何东西

因此,当我登录到 dev 并想要构建 webassembly Qt 应用程序(在 dev 中,但设置在 kmb 中)时,我收到一些绝对路径警告,并且无法构建 qt 应用程序,请参阅下面的错误日志

WARNING  root: -I or -L of an absolute path "-I/home/devops/.emscripten_ports/openssl/include" encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript). Pass '-Wno-warn-absolute-paths' to emcc to hide this warning.
WARNING  root: Disabling asm.js validation for memory growth (memory can grow, but you lose some amount of speed)
/home/kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/bin/rcc -name qml ../qml.qrc -o qrc_qml.cpp
em++ -c -pipe -O3 -std=gnu++11 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -Wall -Wextra -DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_QUICK_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_QMLMODELS_LIB -DQT_QML_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I../../Test -I. -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include/QtQuick -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include/QtGui -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include/QtQmlModels -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include/QtQml -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include/QtNetwork -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/include/QtCore -I. -I/home/devops/.emscripten_ports/openssl/include -I../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/mkspecs/wasm-emscripten -o qrc_qml.o qrc_qml.cpp
WARNING  root: -I or -L of an absolute path "-I/home/devops/.emscripten_ports/openssl/include" encountered. If this is to a local system header/library, it may cause problems (local system files make sense for compiling natively on your system, but not necessarily to JavaScript). Pass '-Wno-warn-absolute-paths' to emcc to hide this warning.
WARNING  root: Disabling asm.js validation for memory growth (memory can grow, but you lose some amount of speed)
em++ -pipe -O3 -std=gnu++11 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -Wall -Wextra -dM -E -o moc_predefs.h ../../../../kmb/Qt/5.14.0/wasm_32/mkspecs/features/data/dummy.cpp
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1'
Makefile:624: recipe for target 'moc_predefs.h' failed
make: *** [moc_predefs.h] Error 1

