为什么我的笔记本电脑安装 Ubuntu 20.04 后崩溃?

为什么我的笔记本电脑安装 Ubuntu 20.04 后崩溃?

在我的 Windows 设备 Lenovo IdeaPad 320 上安装 ubuntu 20.04 后,我遇到了挂起和系统崩溃等多个问题。





如何解决这个问题?为什么 Ubuntu 与我的设备不兼容?


Ubuntu 20.04 仍然不稳定。



快速按住 Shift 键,将调出 GNU GRUB 菜单


选择一个菜单选项并按 Enter 键使用它:

clean: Attempts to make free space on your file system. If your storage is full and this is causing some sort of problem, this can help free up space.
dpkg: Repairs broken software packages. If a package failed to install properly and your system doesn’t work because of it, this may help.
failsafeX: Boots your computer in a failsafe graphic mode. If there’s a problem with your Xorg graphical server configuration or graphics drivers and that’s causing your Ubuntu system to boot to a black screen or preventing the graphical desktop from loading properly, this can get you back to that graphical desktop.
fsck: Performs a file system check, which scans the computer’s file systems for errors and automatically fixes them. It’s a bit like chkdsk on Windows.
grub: Updates the GRUB boot loader. If you could use the GRUB boot loader to get to this menu, this option probably won’t help.
network: Enable networking, which is disabled by default in recovery mode.
root: Leaves the menu and goes to a root shell prompt. From here, you can mount the file system in write-mode and run commands that may help fix problems with the system. You should only do this if you know what you’re doing — it’s a way to fix the problem by hand if you know how.

