无法在 Ubuntu 中安装任何应用程序

无法在 Ubuntu 中安装任何应用程序

我最近从 Ubuntu 19.10 升级到 20.04 后,系统中无法安装任何应用程序。

$ sudo apt-get install vlc gimp gparted synaptic
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

Package gimp is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

Package vlc is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source

E: Package 'vlc' has no installation candidate

E: Package 'gimp' has no installation candidate

E: Package 'synaptic' has no installation candidate



您是否将 ubuntu 从 19.1 更新到 20.04 还是进行了全新安装?

另外,试试这个: 使用 apt-get install 安装时出错


sudo add-apt-repository universe


sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
