其中我需要创建 /.config/winapps/winapps.conf

其中我需要创建 /.config/winapps/winapps.conf

步骤 3:创建 WinApps 配置文件

您需要创建一个 ~/.config/winapps/winapps.conf 配置文件,其中包含以下信息:

RDP_USER="MyWindowsUser" RDP_PASS="MyWindowsPassword" #RDP_DOMAIN="MYDOMAIN" #RDP_IP="" #RDP_SCALE=100 #RDP_FLAGS="" #MULTIMON="true" #DEBUG="true"

用户名和密码应为完整的用户帐户和密码,例如设置 Windows 或域用户时创建的帐户和密码。它不能是用户/PIN 组合,因为它们对 RDP 访问无效。


When using a pre-existing non-KVM RDP server, you can use the RDP_IP to specify it's location
If you are running a VM in KVM with NAT enabled, leave RDP_IP commented out and WinApps will auto-detect the right local IP
For domain users, you can uncomment and change RDP_DOMAIN
On high-resolution (UHD) displays, you can set RDP_SCALE to the scale you would like [100|140|160|180]
To add flags to the FreeRDP call, such as /audio-mode:1 to pass in a mic, use the RDP_FLAGS configuration option
For multi-monitor setups, you can try enabling MULTIMON, however if you get a black screen (FreeRDP bug) you will need to revert back
If you enable DEBUG, a log will be created on each application start in ~/.local/share/winapps/winapps.log


我需要在哪里创建 /.config/winapps/winapps.conf


步骤 3:创建 WinApps 配置文件


自动转换~为您的用户主目录(因此等于/home/$USER/)。我们使用 ,~因为我们都有不同的用户名,这使得它对所有人都可用。
