从 bash 脚本到 ffprobe 的参数没有被正确解释

从 bash 脚本到 ffprobe 的参数没有被正确解释

我在 bash 脚本中有以下函数。当我执行它时,我总是从 ffprobe 命令获得一个返回的字符串,其中包含以下形式的错误:

Argument '-' provided as input filename, but '/media/Testing/Sorted/badfile.mp4' was already specified.


# ProcessVideo
# Takes an input file name (presumably for a video file, but the function doesn't
# actually attempt to verify that), and hands it off to ffprobe to do some basic 
# processing of the video stream. We set a flag so that any error encountered will
# cause ffmpeg to exit with an error code set. If ffmpeg sets an error code, we
# log the file name to a file.
# ProcessVideo <path to video>

    local vfn=$1
    local ec=0
    local oput
    echo "Checking video $vfn"
    oput=$(ffprobe -loglevel warning "$vfn" - 2>&1)
#   if (( ec > 0 ))
#   then
#       echo "Error exit $ec $vfn"
#       LogErr "Error exit $ec $vfn"
#   fi
#   if [[ "$oput" == *"moov atom"* ]]
    if [[ -n "$oput" ]]
        echo "Error string $vfn"
        LogErr "Error string $vfn"
        LogErr "$oput"

请注意,上面脚本中的 LogErr 是另一个函数 - 它所做的就是获取传递的字符串并将其写入指定的日志文件。如果有人认为这与问题相关,我会发布它,但我认为不是。
