

猜测如何简单快速地获得它,我确实写下了一个小的 BASH 批处理程序。要使用它,只需复制下面的代码并将其粘贴到文本编辑器中,将其保存到您喜欢的文件中〜/箱文件夹,别忘了制作它可执行文件


如果从终端窗口启动,它还可以将这些信息获取到文本文件中,以供进一步使用,而不是从 ALT+F2 对话框启动。

请注意,对于 XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP env varianle 和xfce4-about,您可能需要用您自己的桌面环境的命令来替换它。




# ---------------- clear window
# ----------------set color vars
    export CYoGY="\e[1;34;40m"
    export CYoBK="\e[1;34;34m"
    export BLoGY="\e[1;34;40m"
    export BLoBK="\e[0;34;34m"
    export YEoBK="\e[1;30;33m"
    export YEoGY="\e[1;33;40m"
    export WHoGY="\e[7;37;40m"
    # ---------------- save current prompt
    export oldprompt=$PS1
    printf "$BLoGY"
    echo -ne $CYoGY
    printf "\e[1;1H-------------------------- GG procedure -----------------------\n"
    #--------------- initialize system specs vars
    export HostNode=$(hostnamectl)"\n"
    export Tnode=$(uname --nodename)"$BLoGY - which FQDN is $YEoBK $(hostname -f)$YEoBK "
    export Tkernel=$(uname -s)    ### print the kernel name
    export Tkrel=$(uname -r)      ### print the kernel version
    export Tkver=$(uname -v)      ### print the kernel release
    export Tmachhw=$(uname -m)    ### print the machine hardware name
    export Tproctyp=$(uname -p)   ### print the processor type
    export Thwplat=$(uname -i)    ### print the hardware platform
    export Theos=$(uname -o)      ### print the operating system
    export Thedesk="$(echo $DESKTOP_SESSION)\t"
    export Thedesk+="$(env | grep XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)"
    export XfceV="$(xfce4-about -V | grep about)"
    export TheHW=$(lshw -disable isapnp -c cpu -c video -c network -short -quiet)
    export SysRel1=$(lsb_release -cs)
    export SysRel2=$(lsb_release -is)
    export SysRel3=$(lsb_release -ds)
    export SysRel4=$(lsb_release -rs)
# ---------------- launch terminal window
    xterm -T "System ID" +cm -fa "Monospace" -fs "12" -geometry "90x51+450+5" -bw "0" -e '
    # ---------------- go showing results, printing labels firstly
    printf "$WHoGY\e[1;1H**** Actual system ***************************** \e[0m"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[2;10H Host Node            $YEoGY\e[2;20H$HostNode"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[11;1H node hostname is:    $YEoGY\e[11;22H $Tnode"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[12;1H kernel version is:   $YEoGY\e[12;22H $Tkver"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[13;1H machine hardware is:     $YEoGY\e[13;22H $Tmachhw"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[14;1H processor type is:   $YEoGY\e[14;22H $Tproctyp"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[15;1H h/w platform is:     $YEoGY\e[15;22H $Thwplat"
    #--------------- show system specs on screen
    echo -ne "$CYoGY "
    printf "$WHoGY\e[17;1H**** OS SPECS ******************************** \e[0m"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[18;1H Operating system is:     $YEoGY\e[18;22H $Theos"
    printf "$YEoGY\e[19;39H $XfceV"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[19;1H Desktop env. is:     $YEoGY\e[19;22H $Thedesk"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[20;2HDistro codename:\e[20;22H$YEoGY $SysRel1"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[21;2HDistributor ID:\e[21;22H$YEoGY $SysRel2"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[22;2HDescription:\e[22;22H$YEoGY $SysRel3"
    printf "$CYoGY\e[23;2HRelease:\e[23;22H$YEoGY $SysRel4"
    printf "$WHoGY\e[25;1H**** Main system devices (lshw) *********************** \e[0m"
    printf "$BLoGY\e[26;2H $YEoGY$TheHW\n"
    printf    "$WHoGY\e[1B**** Block devices List (lsblk - loops excluded) ************** \e[0m"
    printf "$YEoBK\e\n$YEoGY"
#    >>--------------------------------------↑↑ exclude LOOPS block devices (7) from listing
    printf "$BLoGY----------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\e[0m\r\n"
    printf "\e[5;32;40mpress a key to terminate ..."
    read -n1 
    set PS1="$oldprompt"]
    # --- wait for a key press to terminate and close window
#   read -n1
    ' &
#*** end of command to be executed in the terminal window
 printf "\033[1;44;33mYou can get also an OUTPUT into a FILE\n Do you want it (y/N)? \e[0m\n"
 read -n1 Answer1
 case $Answer1 in
    [yY] ) echo -e $"\n Writing file ...";
    Tnode="node hostname is:    $(uname -n) - which FQDN is $(hostname -A)"
    Tkernel="kernel name is:      $(uname -s)"
    Tkrel="kernel-release is:   $(uname -r)"
    Tkver="kernel version is:   $(uname -v)"
    Tmachhw="machine hardware is: $(uname -m)"
    Tproctyp="processor type is:   $(uname -p)"
    Thwplat="h/w platform is:     $(uname -i)"
    Theos="operating system is: $(uname -o)"
    Thedesk="desktop env. is:     $(echo $DESKTOP_SESSION) - "
    Thedesk+="$(env | grep XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)"
    SysRel1="Distributor ID:      $(lsb_release -cs)"
    SysRel2="Description:         $(lsb_release -is)"
    SysRel3="Release:             $(lsb_release -ds)"
    SysRel4="Codename:            $(lsb_release -rs)"
    # ---
    # ---------------- save current values to a file
    echo -e "saving results in 000.txt file ...."
    echo "------------------------ Actual system description ------------------------" > 000.txt
    echo "$Tnode" >> 000.txt
    echo "$Tkernel" >> 000.txt
    echo "$Tkrel"  >> 000.txt
    echo "$Tkver" >> 000.txt
    echo "$Tmachhw" >> 000.txt
    echo "$Tproctyp">> 000.txt
    echo "$Thwplat" >> 000.txt
    echo " ">> 000.txt
    echo "-------------------------------- OS specs --------------------------------">> 000.txt
    echo "$Theos" >> 000.txt
    echo "$Thedesk" >> 000.txt
    echo "$SysRel1" >> 000.txt
    echo "$SysRel2" >> 000.txt
    echo "$SysRel3" >> 000.txt
    echo "$SysRel4" >> 000.txt
    echo " ">> 000.txt
    echo "-------------------------- Main system devices ---------------------------">> 000.txt
    echo "$TheHW" >> 000.txt
    echo " ">> 000.txt
    echo "--------------------------- Block devices mount --------------------------">> 000.txt
    lsblk  -o NAME,SIZE,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID >> 000.txt
    echo -e " .... 000.txt file saved, press a key to view it and finish"
    read -n1 
    ggedit 000.txt
    * ) ;;
echo -e $"\n"
exit 0

结果应该是这样的: 在此处输入图片描述
