Azure 没有任何 22.04-LTS OS 映像版本。
az vm image list-skus --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --location westus | more
它确实显示 16.04-LTS 和 18.04-LTS,但根本没有显示任何 22.04-LTS 操作系统。
"error": {
"code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment",
"message": "The template deployment 'BaseImageVMDeployment_dev-westus_20230323204936' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is 'dcdd26b0-daad-44c1-a1a7-b43a205f7de6'. See inner errors for details.",
"details": [{
"code": "InvalidParameter",
"target": "imageReference",
"message": "The following list of images referenced from the deployment template are not found: Publisher: Canonical, Offer: UbuntuServer, Sku: 22.04-LTS, Version: latest. Please refer to for instructions on finding available images."
较新的 Ubuntu 版本(18.04 LTS 之后)以专享优惠形式发布。
对于 22.04 LTS 你应该使用:
建筑学 | 瓮 | 库存单位 |
AMD64 Hyper-V 代数:Gen1 |
Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts:latest |
22_04-lts |
AMD64 Hyper-V 代数:Gen2 |
Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts-gen2:latest |
22_04-lts-gen2 |
Arm64 Hyper-V 代数:Gen2 |
Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts-arm64:latest |
22_04-lts-arm64 |
这一切都记录在 Canonical 的网站上服务器文档。