Citrix:Ubuntu 2204 上的渲染效果不佳

Citrix:Ubuntu 2204 上的渲染效果不佳

我在 Ubuntu 2204 LTS 上使用 Citrix Workplace App 版本,并从 DEB 包安装了 X11(不支持 Wayland)。当我用它打开 ica 文件时,它显示屏幕渲染不正确看这里

我尝试运行/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util/ 并安装了每个包,直到脚本确认所有必要的包都已安装。

然后我去了并安装了更多软件包。我多次尝试从系统中清除 icaclient,并确保在重新安装之前不存在安装目录 (/opt/Citrix/) 或我的主目录 (${HOME}/.ICAClient/) 中的目录。

  • 日志似乎也不包含任何相关信息:


$ tail /var/log/citrix/ICAClient.log

2023-05-04 20:05:22.152 [TD] <P567937> citrix-wfica: SSLconnect enter: cs=0xfc179770, context=0xfc171be0 
2023-05-04 20:05:22.925 [EUEM] <P567937> citrix-wfica: VDEUEM: Insufficient Input buffer size: 0 bytes. Required buffer size: 48 bytes 
2023-05-04 20:05:22.925 [EUEM] <P567937> citrix-wfica: VDEUEM: DriverInfo failed. rc = 0x3ec 
2023-05-04 20:05:22.925 [IME] <P567937> citrix-wfica: VDIME: Insufficient Input buffer size: 0 bytes. Required buffer size: 48 bytes 
2023-05-04 20:05:22.925 [MMVD] <P567937> citrix-wfica: VDMM: Insufficient Input buffer size: 0 bytes. Required buffer size: 50 bytes 
2023-05-04 20:05:22.925 [MMVD] <P567937> citrix-wfica: VDMM: DriverInfo failed. rc = 0x3ec 
2023-05-04 20:05:23.398 [TW] <P567937> citrix-wfica: Tw2RealizePalette: DisplayHnd Should not be NULL 
2023-05-04 20:05:23.425 [ALL] <P567937> citrix-wfica: SSL session strength: 128 
2023-05-04 20:05:24.218 [TWI] <P567937> citrix-wfica: Changing window width from 0 to 1 
2023-05-04 20:05:24.218 [TWI] <P567937> citrix-wfica: Changing window height from 0 to 1 


$ grep -i wfica /var/log/syslog

May  4 19:27:54 RAB3NHVSG3 citrix-ctxcwalogd[468227]: Process 533992 has named itself "citrix-wfica".
May  4 19:28:10 RAB3NHVSG3 wfica[533992]: Source ID 115 was not found when attempting to remove it
May  4 19:28:36 RAB3NHVSG3 citrix-ctxcwalogd[468227]: Process 534189 has named itself "citrix-wfica".
May  4 19:39:57 RAB3NHVSG3 citrix-ctxcwalogd[468227]: Process 544308 has named itself "citrix-wfica".
May  4 19:40:12 RAB3NHVSG3 wfica[544308]: Source ID 122 was not found when attempting to remove it
May  4 19:52:12 RAB3NHVSG3 citrix-ctxcwalogd[468227]: Process 557500 has named itself "citrix-wfica".
May  4 19:52:26 RAB3NHVSG3 wfica[557500]: Source ID 144 was not found when attempting to remove it
May  4 20:05:22 RAB3NHVSG3 citrix-ctxcwalogd[468227]: Process 567937 has named itself "citrix-wfica".
May  4 20:05:38 RAB3NHVSG3 wfica[567937]: Source ID 128 was not found when attempting to remove it
