/boot 上没有足够的可用磁盘空间

/boot 上没有足够的可用磁盘空间

无法安装 Ubuntu 更新,甚至无法从 /boot 中删除旧软件包

许多答案都提出了好的解决方案,但我还是无法从 /boot 中删除较旧的软件包。


无法更新 ubuntu 应用程序,因为 /boot 上没有足够的空间

我陷入了循环,我的 /boot 大小是 256M

df -h输出:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs           1.6G  2.2M  1.6G   1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p5   82G   39G   39G  50% /
tmpfs           7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/nvme0n1p6  256M  186M   50M  79% /boot
/dev/nvme0n1p1   96M   31M   66M  32% /boot/efi
tmpfs           1.6G  120K  1.6G   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda2        67G   32K   64G   1% /media/nmt/3bf914c7-c1b2-47f0-9820-42dd7eb06059

dpkg -l | grep linux-image输出:

rc  linux-image-5.19.0-21-generic              5.19.0-21.21                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-23-generic              5.19.0-23.24                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-26-generic              5.19.0-26.27                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-28-generic              5.19.0-28.29                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-29-generic              5.19.0-29.30                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-31-generic              5.19.0-31.32                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-35-generic              5.19.0-35.36                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-38-generic              5.19.0-38.39                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
rc  linux-image-5.19.0-40-generic              5.19.0-40.41                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
ii  linux-image-5.19.0-41-generic              5.19.0-41.42                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
iF  linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic              5.19.0-42.43                             amd64        Signed kernel image generic
ii  linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04                                 amd64        Generic Linux kernel image

uname -r输出:


sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-5.19.0-21-generic输出:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Package 'linux-image-5.19.0-21-generic' is not installed, so not removed
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 165 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Setting up linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic (5.19.0-42.43) ...
Processing triggers for linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic (5.19.0-42.43) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.19.0-42-generic
zstd: error 25 : Write error : No space left on device (cannot write compressed block) 
E: mkinitramfs failure zstd -q -1 -T0 25
update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-5.19.0-42-generic with 1.
run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1
dpkg: error processing package linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic (--configure):
 installed linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


ls -lah /boot输出:

total 178M
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4.0K Jun  3 11:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4.0K Nov 15  2022 ..
-rw-------  1 root root 6.2M Mar 23 23:36 System.map-5.19.0-40-generic
-rw-------  1 root root 6.2M Apr 17 17:56 System.map-5.19.0-41-generic
-rw-------  1 root root 6.2M Apr 18 20:50 System.map-5.19.0-42-generic
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 264K Mar 23 23:36 config-5.19.0-40-generic
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 264K Apr 17 17:56 config-5.19.0-41-generic
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 264K Apr 18 20:50 config-5.19.0-42-generic
drwx------  4 root root 1.0K Jan  1  1970 efi
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4.0K May 18 06:58 grub
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 May 18 06:57 initrd.img -> initrd.img-5.19.0-42-generic
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  68M May  5 06:47 initrd.img-5.19.0-41-generic
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  68M May 18 06:58 initrd.img-5.19.0-42-generic
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   28 May 17 08:04 initrd.img.old -> initrd.img-5.19.0-41-generic
drwx------  2 root root  16K Nov 15  2022 lost+found
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 179K Feb  6  2022 memtest86+.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 181K Feb  6  2022 memtest86+.elf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 181K Feb  6  2022 memtest86+_multiboot.bin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   25 May 17 08:04 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-5.19.0-42-generic
-rw-------  1 root root  12M Apr 17 20:55 vmlinuz-5.19.0-41-generic
-rw-------  1 root root  12M Apr 18 20:55 vmlinuz-5.19.0-42-generic
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   25 May 17 08:04 vmlinuz.old -> vmlinuz-5.19.0-41-generic
