当我在 Ubuntu Server 23.04 上尝试“apt-get install libcunit1=2.1-3-dfsg-2build1 libcunit1-dev”时,它失败了!所有环境都是默认的

当我在 Ubuntu Server 23.04 上尝试“apt-get install libcunit1=2.1-3-dfsg-2build1 libcunit1-dev”时,它失败了!所有环境都是默认的

当我在 Ubuntu Server 23.04 上尝试“apt-get install libcunit1=2.1-3-dfsg-2build1 libcunit1-dev”时,失败了!


The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libcunit1-dev : Depends: libcunit1 (= 2.1-3-dfsg-2build1) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
E: Unable to locate package libjson-c3
