有没有好的或可能更好的替代方案网页管理工具?. 基本上我想要一个单一的应用程序来监控整个 Ubuntu 系统/网络/... 等等。
网页管理是一个基于 Web 的 Unix 系统管理界面。使用任何现代 Web 浏览器,您都可以设置用户帐户、Apache、DNS、文件共享等。Webmin 消除了手动编辑 Unix 配置文件(如)的需要
,并允许您从控制台或远程管理系统。请参阅标准模块页面以获取 Webmin 内置的所有功能的列表,或查看屏幕截图。
我使用 Ajenti。支持也很好。
有一种叫做 Ebox 的东西。我只听说过它的好话。它是免费软件,在档案库中。它有许多用于不同事物的模块,例如网络。他们已将其重命名为 Zentyal,但在档案库中它仍称为 Ebox。您可以在此处阅读有关它的信息:http://www.zentyal.org/
直接管理是一款支持 Linux 的相对轻量级的控制面板。它具有控制面板的所有基本功能,包括支持多客户设置。
Create / Modify Admins and Resellers
Admins can create resellers or extra admins quickly and easily with this feature.
Reseller Packages
Admins can create predefined account packages using this feature. When creating an account, the admin simply chooses a package instead of manually setting each account feature.
Show All Users
This feature allows the admin to quickly view every single account on the system and sort this list in various ways.
DNS Administration
This feature allows the admin to create, modify, or delete any DNS records on the server.
IP Manager
This is where the admin sets the IP address available to the server. The admin can also allocate IP address to resellers from this menu.
Mail Queue Administration
Tool to view mail queue and it's messages. Includes tools to take action on those messages.
System / Services Info
The admin can view, stop, start, and restart services from this menu.
Complete Usage Statistics
This feature provides the admin with a complete overview of system usage. Exact input and output from the server's Ethernet card is also monitored.
DNS Clustering
DirectAdmin talks to other DirectAdmin machines to automatically transfer DNS data between them. It also has the ability to check the other server for a domain so as to not allow duplicate domains on your DA network.
SPAM fighting tools in DirectAdmin
A wide varienty of SPAM-fighting tools are provided with DirectAdmin. Please check http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=577 for a full list.
Licensing / Updates
The admin can view his or her license status and download the latest DirectAdmin security and software upgrades from this menu.