输入 dev/usb/lp0 时,系统显示“没有这样的文件或目录”

输入 dev/usb/lp0 时,系统显示“没有这样的文件或目录”

我正在尝试使用 escputil 来确定墨水量。输入时dev/usb/lp0它显示'没有这样的文件或目录'


尝试使用须藤。 这男人页面escputil还说这个错误是一个已知的错误,请尝试再次重新输入命令,应该可以解决问题。

   USB-connected printers sometimes fail to identify or return ink levels.
   You may have to repeat the command.  This is probably a timing issue in
   escputil, not a flaw in the printer.

   Anything  requiring bidirectional communication with the printer (iden-
   tify, ink levels, or head  alignment  without  specifying  the  printer
   model)  requires  read/write  access  to  the printer port (for example
   /dev/lp0).  This may require these operations to be performed as  root.
   In  addition,  kernel  support is required for bidirectional communica-
   tion.   For  Linux  version  2.2,  CONFIG_PRINTER_READBACK  should   be
   enabled; this is called CONFIG_PARPORT_1284 on 2.4 and later kernels.

   If  the  printer  is performing self-test or head cleaning on power up,
   the identify and ink level commands will time out, although the printer
   successfully  receives  the command.  The command will need to be reis-
   sued when the printer is quiescent.



  • 检查打印机的墨水量按照下面方法使用

    sudo escputil -r /dev/usb/lp0 -s

请检查以下屏幕截图中的输出。就我而言,我正在检查 Epson L210 系列打印机墨水量。

Epson L21O 墨水量检查

我在命令前使用了 sudo,以便该命令可以以 root 身份执行,并且不会收到权限错误的消息。

  • 清洁打印机头可以使用以下命令。

    sudo escputil -r /dev/usb/lp0 -c


man escputil

查看下面的屏幕截图,了解使用 man 时 escputil 可用的选项。

